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Questons... needs some answers


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My tank has been up and running for about 4 months now.. maybe a little longer.

Everything in the tank is doing great, as far as inhabitants go. But the tank does not look near as pretty as some of your tanks. I know I still have the alge growth and I have taken the bio wheel out for a week now. I also have taken the advice and bought a power head for better circulation. It should arrive soon I would think... been awhile now. I am hoping this will take care of the "dirty" look of the tank.

Is there anything else I can do at this point???

I will be changing the water this week and will try to get the rest of that red cyno out and then by then put the new power head in.

Any more suggestions?

Thanks guys:(

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Well no I have not. About how many snails should I have per gal. I was worried I would have too many for a small tank.

All together I have the three snails and 3 crabs, blue legs.

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Test for Nitrates and Phosphates; I’m guessing that one or both are high. Take an algae pad to the glass, take a new soft bristle toothbrush to the rock, (during 20% water changes) siphon out the Cyno and the debris that you brushed off. I’d perform 20% water changes every few days (until your Nitrate and/and Phosphate levels come down).


Remember, water changes with bad water do you no good. It should be Nitrate and Phosphate free to start with. Also, try running SeaGel (contains PhosGuard) in a media bag to help control your Phosphate levels. Another one or two snails might help (Ceriths and Nassarius are good).


*** EDIT ***

Your might also want to check out the critters at Indo-Pacific Sea Farms.

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My water perameters are normal. Ph is 8.4 ammonia 0, nitrites and trates are all 0. They have been ever since the cycle. Now I have never tested for phosphates. I will have to get that test kit. I use distilled water from walmart like a lot of ppl do, so it cant be the water...

I will look into the phosguard thing and a new test kit


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Becky, I got a bad batch of Walmart water once that has resulted in an outbreak of hair algae that is driving me slowly insane. Definately test for phospahtes and run some type of phosphate remover in the hob.

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oK I will get right on that.

That must be what is causing this contiual growth in the tank. I mean I took out the bio wheel. I think the circulation is decent... its only a ten gal and I have 170 penguine.. Im getting a good power head.

I will test and add some stuff in for phospates

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