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peppermint shrimp hell


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WHY............WHY.............did i curse my dear peppermint shrimp.....WHY............:*(

yes she was a little bastage in the beginning, eating everything in site. thinking her sh!t didn't stink. but, time went on and i've gotten to know her pain, her position in life. she started trusting me, feeding from my hand. taking strolls during the day and watching over the rest of the crew. she became part of the family and not just the black sheep...........

Wednesday, August 27, 2003...the day the she past on, to that great barrier reef in the sky.

After, she started feeding from my hand and trusting her surroundings, she started strolling all over the place day and night. don't ask me how, but she strolled into the overflow box and got sucked up by the powerhead and all i saw was bits and pieces of shrimp in my refugium. ooohhhh the agony!!!

bye my little friend.......bye:*(

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I got a pretty cool one. I've gone through 2 of these in the past and they all hid in the crevices all day. But this one I have now is psycho. He swims - not crawls - swims around my tank like a fish. Right out in the open. Its pretty neat. He tucks his legs in and he scoots around with his little tail flaps. If I put my hand in, he attacks it immediately. He even hangs on to my finger and almost lets me pull him up out of the water. I even made a video of him, but hell if I know how to post it.

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  • 1 month later...

My little pepermint picked at my green star polyops and immediatley inspects anything new put into the tank. I've had no problems with him, he likes to sit on the underside of the powerhead, upside-down. Upside-down seems to be his/her favorite position. On rocks, the powerhead, filter media, my finger sometimes... When I got him @ the LFS he moulted in the bag I had just put him in. I put him in the bag, set him down on the counter, and the next think I know there's an exuviate* floating around in the bag. Cute little fella. If he starts to display any of the qualities that ya'll've described back he goes!





*exuviate is the term I've known for arachnids to name their moult.

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