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Alk and CA just wont get in check :(


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Its been a while since i have posted on here but my poor tank, my tank has been going for about 4 years its a 20g with a 10g sump. In the past i never had problems with my levels i never had to dose or do anything other than water changes. Then i noticed my Alk was a little low so i used buffer for the first time this was about 6 months ago and ever since then everything has been outta whack. I have tried everything to get in back in balance but it just wont. I have a low bioload mostly softies no real hard corals just a couple hammers and zoa's. When i put buffer in my calcium goes down but i never can get it back up i tried 2part that seemed to only drop my alk more, i have tested everyting including mag everything is good except CA, ALK. How do i balance them, how do i do it. I put the buffer in and get the ALK to where it should be but then when i add the CA either the CA won't raise or it just immedietly drops the ALK. What is the proper procedere to balance it out. I'm at my whits end im ready to just give up. Please help...i have also tried diffrent test kits, i do frequent water changes, my water change water is good all proper levels...i don't know what to do...

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test each everyday day and night for a couple days to see how much their dropping. A simple 2-part should help you maintain it. try dosing both equally. Sounds like your dosing too much of one and its dropping the other.

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Ya the MAG is good, i used a salifert test for mag and i had the LFS also double check my mag and other tests and there all dead on. I just don't get it i have been testing and dosing all per the instructions and everything and it just wont get in balance...i used kent buffer and red sea calcium i know ther enot the best but thats what i have, then i switched to seachem buffer and calcium, then i tried the kent nano A&B i mean it won't get in balance i have tried all the calculators and everything i mean is there something i;m missing is there some special trick? Is there anyone in the SoCal area that can come to my house and help me? I will Pay$$$...Its so wierd i never had any problems with chemistry never had really any problmes at all and i loved the hobby then this happened and now i'm starting to hate this hobby, i have been doing it for some time now but this is just getting stupid i mean i have read so many articles on the subject and it seems so simple but its just not working out for me...The Chemistry is driving me nuts i just want my pretty tank back...Sorry for the rant...

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What are your current levels? If you are trying to get perfectly balanced numbers you are wasting your time. Really all you need is to get them in range.


Try just disolving some Arm and Hammer baking soda in water and dose that for the alk part.



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