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Is this wrong??


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hi all,

i am a true newbie in saltwater tanks. this is my first saltwater tank ever (10g). it's been running for 3 wks now. when i first started i had LS and just 8 lbs of LR. i just added 8lbs more of LR. i didn't really know how to add it, so i removed the fish and put it in a bowl. i rearranged everything and replaced the fish. the fish seems to be doing fine. is there an easier way to rearrange the landscape without moving the fish?



btw..can my tank still be called a nano without corals?

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Nano means small. Since you only have fish and live rock, your tank would be a FOWLR - Fish Only With Live Rock.


When I aquascape I dont remove the fish. I only do so if I have volitan or anything venemous/dangerous.X)


BTW when adding more LR, expect to have another cycle, but a small one.

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