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Top Shelf Aquatics

Yellow Finger Leather


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Hey all!


I purchased this leather a few days ago and he seems to be showing more and more each day. I was just wondering which leather coral it was (it was sold simply as "Yellow Finger Leather") because it looks like a Toadstool Leather from other pics I've seen. I was also just curious if he looks all around healthy for the type of coral he is.


Thanks for looking,



PS: Don't mind the pvc in there, it was supposed to support my rock but it wasn't working as planned so it's out of the tank now.

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looks like a sarcophyton elegans from the yellow color (unless that's just the photo/lighting).


looks alright, especially for a new addition.


i wouldn't call it a finger leather tho (it's more 'lobe-like'). usually that's used for lobophytons or maybe s. ehrenbergi ime. then again it depends on how the overall coral looks like (from the pic i would guess s. elegans).

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OK, awesome. Thanks for the ID. The "body" of the coral is more of a darker yellow and the little tentacles are bright yellow, can't really tell from the pic. Thanks again!



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