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Phosphate sponge working if it stays white?


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I have been using kent phosphate removing granules lately in an effort to stem the tide fo geen hair algea in my tank. What a ***** that stuff is. The algea, I mean. Anyhow, the granules, even after two to three days in the HOB filter, are not turning black. I thought they were supposed to if they were absorbing phosphate. Has anyone else experienced them either turning or not turning black?


Could just be my water has no phoshate in it.

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I'm using the same stuff and it's not cheap... I was told that it will stay white... I change my bag every two days.. I hope I'm getting somewhere with this stuff.. I don't see dramatic results..




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I see some reduction in the green hair algea that I had wanted it to help me get a hand on, buty like you, I see no drastic results. Don't think I will either.

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be careful with the sponges. they leach phosphates back into the water when they get saturated. Personally, I would use rowaphos as it claims to not leach phosphates back into the water.

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Here is what I'm using with pretty good results... I change the bag every couple days to prevent leaching. I think I'm gonna pick up a phosphate test kit though..



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