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Aquapod, glass or Acrylic?


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Well, today I was in my LFS where I bought my AP24 almost 2 weeks ago. I needed to buy a Mag-Float and asked for a Mag-Float for a glass tank. The owner says you can't use that, your tank is Acrylic. I say no, my tank is glass, it even said it on my box. So she takes me over to a box and says show me. Well it's a old box so it doesn't say if its glass or acrylic. So she tells me she's 100% sure its a acrylic tank and we go back and forth about being glass or acrylic. So I buy the acrylic Mag-Float. Get home and check the internet to see if it is glass or acrylic. Well every site including Current-Usa.com says its glass. So I call her up to tell her and she says there all wrong and she's going to Email Current-USA. She says she's still 100% sure its acrylic. So I say well should I just come back in and swap my Mag-Float for the glass one. She says, well do what you want but its going to scratch your tank. End of story she still says is acrylic and all the other websites are wrong. So you guys tell me. Glass or Acrylic?

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Scott Riemer

Glass. Tap it with your finger nail, you can tell it's glass. I've seen one break, trust me, it's glass.

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+1 with scott.


Yep, LFS strikes again, they know nothing....don't believe anything they tell ya. APs are glass tanks. Tank is too heavy to be acrylic.

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Scott Riemer

Do yourself a big favor and just return the mag float and buy a Nimble Nano from C Jerome. He's a member of N-R.com and these magnet scrapers are awesome for our nano tanks. I have a Super Nimble for my AP24 and it is great.

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+1 again with Scott. I bought two supers from C Jerome, one for my 24gAP and the other for my FW tank. The mag floats can scratch and are super unsightly. Can barely see my Nimble.

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I don't think there's really any mass-produced all in one tanks out there that are acrylic these days. Does finnex still make acrylic M tanks?

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Thanx for all the reply's. I wish I had the balls to print all the reply's and take it to her. I like this LFS that I go to, good prices, healthy fish, clean but I wish the owner could have admitted she was wrong after seeing on Current-USA's website it was glass.

Well I will be returning the Mag-Float and ordering a Nimble-Nano. How long does this usually take to deliver?

Thanx for the info everyone!

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No need to stress out about it. Go there and take advantage of the good prices and healthy livestock. Just take everything they say with a grain of salt.

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Good advice, I will keep shopping there. Good people, good service, good prices, good products, just alittle wrong advice.

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