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Bare bottomed nano?


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What kind of lightning would strike me dead if I made my soon-to-be ten gallon nano a bare-bottom setup? I'd have LR and everything else, just no sand. It's just a thought. Sand or any kind of substrate does have a disadvantage or two (has to be cleaned, shows off a fallen detritus, etc.). Has anyone here done that?



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shouldn;t be a real problem, but you're going to notice more detritus buildup blowing around your tank with no susbstrate. Second, you shouldn't be cleaning your substrate, and a good cleaning crew will take care of detritus.

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Don't have a camera right now for pics but my minibow has been up for year and a half with a bare bottom (can't wait for the replies to that comment). Kennard is right about the detritus moving more freely in your tank but that is one of the reasons I went without a bed. I only have one fish a few hermits, mushrooms, Zoos and GSP so I don't get that much detritus floating around. I have quite a bit of LR in there so filtering hasn't seemed to be a problem. The coraline algae pretty much covers the bottom.

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you know down here in San Diego ron from Octopuss Garden swears by running a reef tank with no substrate. I guess my next nano i will try it his way. but i say whatever works for you. good luck and borrow a camera we want to see pics

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Yeah, I fail to see why a tank with no substrate would have detritus blowing around. If anything, detritus would ineed be free in the tank momentarily after it came out of some fish's ass or fell off a piece of LR, but instead of getting stuck in the sand bed it would be blown around and then sucked up by the HOB filter. You'd probably have to be running one of those with media in it to keep things clear.


I saw a substrate-less tank lately and it didn't look like the ocean but it did have a certain cleaner, simple look to it. On the other hand I can see substrate being easier for the crabs to walk around on and it'd be something to anchor rocks a little better. It's not as though substrate has ever given me any real problems. I just wanted to know what my options are with the Next Tank........and there's almost always a"Next Tank", isn't there? Thanks for the input guys.

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