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Any Upper water dwelling fish?


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My tank is a 25g Tall, and I wish to add something up top that would make use of that area... any fish that would do this and stay small while reef safe?



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My false perkula clown always stays at the top of my 7. I'm not sure if they would stay there in a larger aquarium.

I also have a long finned fairy wrass (flasher) in my 35g that always bobs up and down around the top, very cool little fish IMO.

A bit shy though.

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Awesome thanks for the tip Surfy! I have another wrasse in my tank, dunno if he'd get along... as of right now, I have a strong desire for a pair of green chromis, although it might be shooting up my bioload a bit


Anybody w/ any experience whether it would be okay to add a pair of green chromis to a 25g tall w/ a possum wrasse and two clowns already in there?

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Chromis are pretty scrapy, if you move some tank decorations around they will probably be fine. Don't expect them to school unless you put something in the tank that scares them.

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fire fish swim towards the top (and jump). banggai cards will swim in the middle or upper portion (if they swim, they tend to just float).

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Cardinals are cool fish, but they just don't look too tropical to me... I really don't know why hehehe :) Thanks for the great suggestion though Crakeur :)

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1 or 2 green chromis should be cool. I would watch their behavior tho. i have one that does fine. maybe a chromis and a banggai. in my experiences, chromis tend to adopt strange pecking orders in groups above 2 or 3. sometimes it's not a problem, sometimes the smallest gets tormented to death. mine is always at the top of the aquarium exploring

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