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My 17g Reef


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I've left all the original posts so those interested can see the tanks evolution, but just to show where I'm up to, this is the tank at the moment, complete change from where I started



Well i'm bored, so thought I'd share.


My 17g is my fun DIY tank, my dad freaks over me using tools of any sort (he's a tad sexist) so this tank is a) done without any tool tahts sharper then scissors and B) done with various implements when dads not looking.


Its the 17g Aqua one 500 tank, which I kinda pulled to pieces, the only part thats used is the actual glass tank, hood, filter and heater have all been pulled.


Right now it's fish only, with a valentini puffer* a few pieces of LR for decoration, a skimmer rate for a 300l tank, a 950l/ph filetra nd two 25w heaters both with their cords where Hamlet the puffer can't reach them.


* Hamlet so far is doing fine in the tank, but if he was stressing it's a matter of less then an hour ro either a) move him to my 45g reef or B) move him to a 35g tank by himself, but at the moment he seems quite contented and I like having him in the nano, as its in an area of the house where he can watch all the humans go by which he seems to enjoy.


so I've been trying hard to keep it fish only, but agve in to temptation, i've ordered a 150w clip on MH light with a 14000K Bulb to replace the 13w CF light and theres a torch coral waiting in my Reef tank to go into the nano.


The Liverock is one of things i did while Dad wasn't looking, i made DIY LR which was actually quite good and turned out really well, way better then i hoped. aprt friom being approximately a quarter of the weight of the same volume of LR the DIY rock looks exactly like real base rock. It's almost finsihed its cure, i'm giving it a couple more weeks on the safe side (Its been curing for six weeks already).


The plans for the tank are fairly simple, my reef tank holds large display corals, which means theres just not enough space for any even midly aggressive corals, and i don't mind it really the reef looks gorgeous but I can't help drooling over the brains/bubble corals/Euphyllia etc everytime we go to the LFS.

So I want to keep a range of small corals, on the list for sure are the Torch which is a realy nice coral, it's just not too happy in the reef, as there just isn'ty room for it to spread out, and I keep stressing about its sweeper tentacles...


So Plans


950 l/ph Filter, filled with DIY LR rubble

Skimmer with a large airpump rated for 300l aquariums

2 x 25w heaters

150 MH clip on fixture with 14000K Bulb

The tank itself measures 45 cmH x 34 cm x 50 cm



1 x Valentini puffer (monitored carefuilly)



Torch coral

Bubble coral

Hammer coral

Frogspawn coral

Brain coral


Some pics

The tank at the moment,






The DIY rock



Torch coral in the reef



And just for the heck of it this is the big reef



Oh well just thought I'd share

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My new MH should arrive sometime tomorrow afternoon, though if the couriers stuff up again that could be put back to Wednesday or Friday, I love living rurally, not.


The DIY LR is still curing, the pH rise isn't drastic, only up about .4 but our straight freshwater is already 8.2-8.4 so it does bring the pH up a tad too high. Living so far out, we don't get town water, we collect our own rainwater, we're too far away from any form of settlement for contaminants to be in the water and apart from having a high pH the waters absolutely perfect for a marine tank (I've had it completely tested).


For anyone interested this is how the LR was made...


A mixture of 1.5 parts salt was mixed with 1 part cement and water added to get a sloppy clay like consistency. The rock was then formed in salt molds and left to set for 48 hours. It was then given a week just sitting outside to cure further before being submerged in boiling water multiple times for salt release. Then the rock was just left outside for a further three weeks to allow the cement to fully hydrate. Then two weeks of 3-4 100% water changes daily, refilling each time with boiling water. I'm on the last week of that now.


Another DIY I found useful with this was a pH indicator, I would not recommend using it permanently for a marine tank, but it gives you a basic idea of where the pH is at with the rock... Simply pour boiling water over chopped red cabbage and allow to cool. Strain the cabbage from the liquid, and you have pH indicator, you can find basic colour charts online...

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My new MH should arrive sometime tomorrow afternoon, though if the couriers stuff up again that could be put back to Wednesday or Friday, I love living rurally, not.


The DIY LR is still curing, the pH rise isn't drastic, only up about .4 but our straight freshwater is already 8.2-8.4 so it does bring the pH up a tad too high. Living so far out, we don't get town water, we collect our own rainwater, we're too far away from any form of settlement for contaminants to be in the water and apart from having a high pH the waters absolutely perfect for a marine tank (I've had it completely tested).


For anyone interested this is how the LR was made...


A mixture of 1.5 parts salt was mixed with 1 part cement and water added to get a sloppy clay like consistency. The rock was then formed in salt molds and left to set for 48 hours. It was then given a week just sitting outside to cure further before being submerged in boiling water multiple times for salt release. Then the rock was just left outside for a further three weeks to allow the cement to fully hydrate. Then two weeks of 3-4 100% water changes daily, refilling each time with boiling water. I'm on the last week of that now.


Another DIY I found useful with this was a pH indicator, I would not recommend using it permanently for a marine tank, but it gives you a basic idea of where the pH is at with the rock... Simply pour boiling water over chopped red cabbage and allow to cool. Strain the cabbage from the liquid, and you have pH indicator, you can find basic colour charts online...

That is really neat that you made all of your own rock, but it sure sounds like a lot of work with all those water changes. I can't wait to see the rock with life growing on it. Also thanks for teh heads up on the PH indicator. If nothing else it sounds like a fun experiment.

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Waterchanges takle like 2 seconds. I have all the rock piled in a sink, and just pull the plug and let it drain, stick the plug in and refill, easy as.

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Waterchanges takle like 2 seconds. I have all the rock piled in a sink, and just pull the plug and let it drain, stick the plug in and refill, easy as.

Love your puffer. Marine biology sounds like your calling.

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No chance, I have to much of an affinity with animals to have any chance of killing them, which is a large part of marine biology. i'm aiming for psychology humans can agree to be test subjects there...


Well my MHM light DID not arrive, infuriatingly my Mums plastic plants did, even though she only ordered them 4 days ago from America, pooey.


So no new updates as I need the MH to move any further along...

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Sigh, the LR is beginning to drive me nutz, I'm sooo close to finishing, yet so far away LOL. No matter how many water changes I do the pH goes off the charts after about 6 hours, but I'm using limited water and some of the rcoks are thick. So my new attempt is I've seperated all the thin rocks and placed them in 60l of water and if the pH doesn't go over about 8.4 I'll give them their saltwater dip and pop em in the tank. As for the thick rcoks, theres only three really large ones I'm going to keep up with water changes to see if that helps.


The MH light still hasn't come, Around here the place is so used to being in a drought severe rain which covers the roads just can't be dealt with and where flooded in, not helopful when our mailbox is three k's away (long driveway, I'm on a farm...) and I'm sure teh courier would take one look at the dirt roads and turn around LOL. Oh well hopefully it'll be here soon.

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Word of caution, I don't think puffers are reef safe. The dog face puffer I have in a fo loves to bite the lr. I can imagine what he would do with some nice coral to chew on.

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Valentinis aren't compatible with snails and hermits but they generally get on with most corals, if he doesn't i'll move him over to the empty 35g...

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The new MH came!


its really really bright, its at 10 000K and it makes my big reef with its 6500K lights look really orange, the corals really seem to flourish under the 6500K lights so I won't be changing them but the difference is astounding. it really makes Hamlets colours pop as well.


The LR isn't quite ready yet but the tank has a really efficient skimmer so tomorrow I'll do a 50% water change, and test all the parameters and if its all good I'll move the Torch across...

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Just tested params and their much better then expected since the tanks been running as a Fish Only tank with your standard filter, the nitrates only at 5, took me a good ten minutes to work out why it was so low LOL, I forgot I'd stuck a skimmer designed for a tank five times the size on it.

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Well never mind the DIY LR now, it won't be needed.


My dad freaked out at my Mum about the fact she let me buy the light without his permission (it was a present from Mum for my fantastic marks at school and I paid for half of it) and I now have to collapse most of my tanks because apparently they use too much power. So my 55g four foot which I've been perfecting for four years, my big reef which I've poured money into and has such fun with, my bettas and a few other tanks are all going. The only two that are staying are the 17g nano and a half filled 30g which I breed apple snails in and thats only staying because it pays for itself through the sale of apple snails and doesn't use a light. I'm in tears, these tanks are something I've loved and worked hard on and put all my allowance into for the last five years, and now because Dad decided to chuck a tanny and Mum too busy at uni to argue with him I have to get rid of them.


I knew I would have to sell the tanks sometime next year so i could go to uni the year after, but I was hoping to have them for at least another 18 months, but guess not.

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Well never mind the DIY LR now, it won't be needed.


My dad freaked out at my Mum about the fact she let me buy the light without his permission (it was a present from Mum for my fantastic marks at school and I paid for half of it) and I now have to collapse most of my tanks because apparently they use too much power. So my 55g four foot which I've been perfecting for four years, my big reef which I've poured money into and has such fun with, my bettas and a few other tanks are all going. The only two that are staying are the 17g nano and a half filled 30g which I breed apple snails in and thats only staying because it pays for itself through the sale of apple snails and doesn't use a light. I'm in tears, these tanks are something I've loved and worked hard on and put all my allowance into for the last five years, and now because Dad decided to chuck a tanny and Mum too busy at uni to argue with him I have to get rid of them.


I knew I would have to sell the tanks sometime next year so i could go to uni the year after, but I was hoping to have them for at least another 18 months, but guess not.


That sucks! Sorry to hear that. You could just turn one into a frag tank and it would pay for itself to! ;)

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Nah, no one buys corals round here, I'm just hoping the fact that the corals I need to sell are absolutely superb specimens will get someone to bother doing the 1-2 hour drive down here.

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So, the new plan now that this will be my sole marine tank.


I'll move as much liverock as I can from my big tank into this one, I should be able to fit 10-15 kg in if I'm careful. The filter media will be remove over a period, and replaced with carbon. I won't be using rowaphos as I have a really nice garden of macro algae growing in the big reef and would like to try and get that going in the nano. A few more powerheads will be added to complement the 950l/ph one, probably a 600l/ph and a couple 200l/ph where needed. I will be moving across my sun coral as it's my absolutely fave coral and theres no way I'm selling it, and will also add a frag of my fave blasto. I will be keeping the Torch as well, hopefully all five heads, as it really is an absolutely lovely coral.


Then I'll leave it as is for now, I'll use some of the money from the sale of the tanks to get some more test kits and probably some calcium additives since the corals are gonna use more in the nano under a stronger light, but then will just leave it for a few months, as theres a good chance Dad will decide I can't keep the nano if he sees me buying more corals.


In the long-term I'd like to add a small brain, and a small frogspawn, maybe a few shrooms if I can make a shaded place for them.


Oh well, I knew I'd have to do this at some point so I could go to uni, just didn't think it would be this soon.

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Some pics


The tank as is now, yes I know it needs aquacsaping, but don't think I'll bother till the reef is sold, so I can move all the liverock at once.



The Torch coral



A Frag will be taken from this coral as its one of my fave corals, but would also not fit in the nano



And this sun coral will move over as well


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Well never mind the DIY LR now, it won't be needed.


My dad freaked out at my Mum about the fact she let me buy the light without his permission (it was a present from Mum for my fantastic marks at school and I paid for half of it) and I now have to collapse most of my tanks because apparently they use too much power. So my 55g four foot which I've been perfecting for four years, my big reef which I've poured money into and has such fun with, my bettas and a few other tanks are all going. The only two that are staying are the 17g nano and a half filled 30g which I breed apple snails in and thats only staying because it pays for itself through the sale of apple snails and doesn't use a light. I'm in tears, these tanks are something I've loved and worked hard on and put all my allowance into for the last five years, and now because Dad decided to chuck a tanny and Mum too busy at uni to argue with him I have to get rid of them.


I knew I would have to sell the tanks sometime next year so i could go to uni the year after, but I was hoping to have them for at least another 18 months, but guess not.


Oh how sad. Tell dad from us he should be proud of you!


I wish we could talk him out of it. Hopefully it just blows over. My dad was like that my mother would sneak things in the house and he would throw a hissy fit when he found out. When he got older he mellowed but when I was young the screaming matches would curl your hair. As I got older I realized my mom will spend all his money and he had two work two jobs to support us 6 kids. Wish there was something we could do for you.





Some pics


The tank as is now, yes I know it needs aquacsaping, but don't think I'll bother till the reef is sold, so I can move all the liverock at once.



The Torch coral



A Frag will be taken from this coral as its one of my fave corals, but would also not fit in the nano



And this sun coral will move over as well



Beautiful sun coral. Hey what is going to happen to you awesome puffer? Do you get to keep him? Oh I hope so.

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Yah Hamlet's staying, Mum would kill dad if he made me sell him, he's a real pet.


Nah it won't blow over, Dad's stubborn once he decides something theres no getting around him. I've posted the reef up for sale in a few places, and hopefully someone who's into marines will buy it so I can still see pics.

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Nicked some LR from the big tank. The Nanos now running with 9.2 kg of LR or 20 lbs.



Livestock at the moment is


Torch coral (5 heads)

Sun Coral (30-40 polyps)

Featherduster (also from the big tank)

White ball coralimorph anemone (a hitch hiker I really liked from the big tank)


So I'll leave it to settle now and wait a few months, and will slowly add a few more corals, I'm thinking shrroms/zoas/rics, maybe an acro (need to do more research) a small leather, maybe some more small euphyllia, and maybe a bubble coral.

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