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Help? Am I incapable of keeping shrooms?


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So I bought what I was told are "hairy mushrooms" from my LFS and some mixed mushroom rock with purple/red shrooms and with purple shrooms with glowing blue dots.


So first thing, the hairy mushrooms. After a weekend away I come home to see my poor guys all shriveled up. Like shriveled up during the night time shriveled up. For the past 2 days a couple of them have been spewing up what I think is their guts. Its a long strandy pink goop.


Here are some pics:


These are usually 3-4 times the size they are now. They are all bunched up and tight looking. Also, one of the shrooms that was spitting up its guts now has what looks like translucent stripes in it near the mouth







The purple shroom has moved from the top of the rock to where it is now and is curling up. I'm hoping its just splitting?


Purple Shroom:


It's the curled up one





All tank parameters are good, my KH was a bit low between 8-9 which I'm raising slowly now, calcium is good, nitrates around 10-15, PH stable, temp stable at 78.2, salinity at 1.025




Thank you all and please let me know what you think, if you need more info, better pictures, if i suck at life, etc...



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nitrates around 10-15, PH stable



10-15 is a bit high for nitrates. I would shoot for less then 10 and ideally less than 5. It is neraly impossible to keep them at 0, but it should be close. I would do a water change to bring this down. Also, you say that PH is stable, but what is it stable at? This may make a difference depending on where your PH is.

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10-15 is a bit high for nitrates. I would shoot for less then 10 and ideally less than 5. It is neraly impossible to keep them at 0, but it should be close. I would do a water change to bring this down. Also, you say that PH is stable, but what is it stable at? This may make a difference depending on where your PH is.


PH is usually between 8 and 8.2, just checked it now at it's at 8.4!!!!!





I took a look at one of the shrooms and now it's spewing out some dark brown stuff!!


WTF is happening?



With flash




No flash



I dosed about 1/2 teaspoon of Kents Superbuffer dKH last night to try and raise my KH. Is this throwing my PH off and killing my shrooms?

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That brown stuff is Zoothellia pretty much its spitting out the internal algae that makes it live, it gains this algae by photosythesizing with your light, its just letting you know its pretty pissed off, keep up on water changes make sure you dont over feed, and try not to overdose on anything, I have some purple mushrooms in my tank that never look happy I have seen them in 8.0 ph, 8.2 and 8.4 I have moved them from bottom, to mid, low flow to moderate and they look the same, its weird the websites say they DONT like high intesnse light yet, these move TOWARDS the light, weird - maybe I got some retarted mushrooms.


Anyways just keep up on water changes and dont mess with your shrooms furthermore remember we are taking something that naturally goes untouched in the wild and placing it in our home aqauriums we have to remember to just let it live, lol - hope this helps man good luck.

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Mushrooms are very hardy and usually can make a come back . But to be honest yours look pretty bad. I would think water quality , so as advised above due plenty of water changes . Also check your bulbs if there old they may not be producing sufficient light anymore just a thought! A while back mine did spit up there zoolanthe (spelling) and then shrunk big time. It was my bulbs but they didn't really make a good come back until I started target feeding them . The made a full recovery!

Well hope this helps good luck!

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. It was my bulbs but they didn't really make a good come back until I started target feeding them . The made a full recovery!

Well hope this helps good luck!



Can I just ask what were u target feeding them and how often....sorry bout asking on someones elses post

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I feed my hairy/fuzzys mysis and brine shrimp. I feed them when I feed the rest of the tank 2x-3x a week.

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Well this really sucks! What a bummer. I thought I was doing everything right... FUDGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thank you all for your help, I will keep you posted.

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Mushrooms are very hardy and usually can make a come back . But to be honest yours look pretty bad. I would think water quality , so as advised above due plenty of water changes . Also check your bulbs if there old they may not be producing sufficient light anymore just a thought! A while back mine did spit up there zoolanthe (spelling) and then shrunk big time. It was my bulbs but they didn't really make a good come back until I started target feeding them . The made a full recovery!

Well hope this helps good luck!


I did a water change the day before I took these pictures. Probably did about 2.5 gallons like I do every week. I hope they make it, this sucks!

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have u tested for phosphate? usually high phosphate levels can mess with corals. just keep chaging water until nitrate gets low and just wait for the tank to stabilize. shrooms are very hardy, just recetly i thought i lost them all completely whn my tank crashed and then out of nowhere 3 tiny little oes started to grow from cracks in the rock. good luck and keep us posted.

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*** UPDATE ***


Did about a 2.5 gallon water change last night, tested late last night and nitrates are now around 5-10, KH is at 9, no ammonia or nitrites, calcium around 450, SG 1.023-4. The shrooms are still looking pretty sad, I hope they make it!!

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that looks like too much light....

nitrates are fine, people make such a big deal about that, but unless its a spike its no problem....


again it looks like too much light, you might wonder why only one shrivels up and the others around it are fine, that happened to me when i put a new hqi 250 mh pendent over my tank, and shrooms shriveled....just like yours...

some didnt, same type of shroom, and grew fine, but about 4 did, so i moved em, problem solved....

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that looks like too much light....

nitrates are fine, people make such a big deal about that, but unless its a spike its no problem....


again it looks like too much light, you might wonder why only one shrivels up and the others around it are fine, that happened to me when i put a new hqi 250 mh pendent over my tank, and shrooms shriveled....just like yours...

some didnt, same type of shroom, and grew fine, but about 4 did, so i moved em, problem solved....



** Update again **


Well the hairy mushrooms still look like 'ish, still hoping they will pull through.


The purple mushroom dropped a little friend off right under him and is splitting again i think!

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  • 4 weeks later...

*** Update ***


So 3 of the mushrooms split! I'm assumming thats a good thing, they are still a little paler than the healthy looking ones but there are more. Since posting I changed to a 150w MH, added more flow towards that rock, and moved them up in the tank.

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my KH is at about 8 now, been slowly trying to get it higher. I picked up another test kit to make sure my API test kit wasn't way off. I got the Tetra test I think, forgot the name and it is showing about .5 - 1 KH above the API test kit.


I read somewhere that magnesium should be 3x your calcium level, is this correct? Should I be testing magnesium to ensure my KH stay where I want it?

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my KH is at about 8 now, been slowly trying to get it higher. I picked up another test kit to make sure my API test kit wasn't way off. I got the Tetra test I think, forgot the name and it is showing about .5 - 1 KH above the API test kit.


I read somewhere that magnesium should be 3x your calcium level, is this correct? Should I be testing magnesium to ensure my KH stay where I want it?


I don't understand why you need to dose. I didn't think that you had that many corals that would use up stuff in the water. Can't you get by with regular water changes? Doesn't that keep parameters stable and in range? I think that with a nano it is to easy to throw things out of kilter by dosing. I would choose a good reef salt and count on water changes to provide good chemistry.




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  • 3 weeks later...

Was listening to my LFS's advice on getting KH up. Since your post hank I haven't dosed and left it up to water changes. I totally see where your coming from, dosing in such a small tank would tend to throw things off. Ever since, my frilly shrooms have been getting bigger and healthier looking even though all this other 'ish has been going on in my tank.


Thanks for the advice!!! Really helped me out!

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  • 1 month later...

here we are 3 month's later and they made a full recovery and look even better than before.


That curled up superman looking shroom split and is now over 1.5" around!


I put the frillly shrooms in a high flow, super high light area and they absolutely love it. The addition of an MP20 to the tank made them even happier.



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here we are 3 month's later and they made a full recovery and look even better than before.


That curled up superman looking shroom split and is now over 1.5" around!


I put the frillly shrooms in a high flow, super high light area and they absolutely love it. The addition of an MP20 to the tank made them even happier.


Good to hear! that's a pretty good looking tank.


Is that about 3 kinds of GSP that you have in there? Or is that a frilly 'shroom near the top right?



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Good to hear! that's a pretty good looking tank.


Is that about 3 kinds of GSP that you have in there? Or is that a frilly 'shroom near the top right?




top left is 2 different types of GSP, neon green and the other one is big polyp purple'y blue. Bottom right is another kind that isn't as green as the top left one.


If you right click on the picture and go to "show picture" it will let you see it in full res, that whole top right side starting where the bright green GSP on the top left is and just above the purple'y blue GSP next to the 6 line are the frilly mushrooms.




I really like the frilly top look, don't know what it is about it but I like it.

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