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Cultivated Reef

Mantis or not?


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Looks like one. Do you have a better closeup. It's easier if we can see his smashers or spears (whichever type he is). Looks similar to what I just pulled out of my new live rock tonight also although yours is certainly more colorful.


How did you catch him?

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I split one of my large rocks in two and I saw him in between. I took out the half w/ him in it and did a quick fresh water dip. After a little while, he came out.

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I agree with the better picture...


did you stretch his appendage forward in the front ???


If so they almost look short or too straight for a mantis to my untrained eye.


Jdsabin1 - that really does look like the one in your post with colors. About the same size to.

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Originally posted by mane3215

And you threw the poor little guy to the manits...=).


Damn I did too. :|


That mantis tank is too easy. If I get mad at a crab, can't ID something, etc it's off to go see Mr. Grinch. Basically like death row when the inmates call the electric chair 'Mr. Sparky'.



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LOL...after doing a stint in your "time out" mantis tank (assuming they don't become lunch) you'll just need to point to the time out tank and any offender will shape up immediately.....you guys are funny.

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I want to do a mantis tank! Seems like people either love them or hate them. Unfortunately I already told my fiance about them and she thinks I am nuts for wanting something nicknamed a thumbsplitter.


PS. "If I get mad at a crab, can't ID something, etc it's off to go see Mr. Grinch. " <--- histerical


Uh oh, here comes a tree hugger with a tofu log. *Ouch* stop hitting me!

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Pistol Shrimp most like. Mantis keeps their claws close to their body.


[Edit] Its definitly a pistol shrimp, I can see the thick pincers at the tip of his claws. Just from looking at the first pic you can tell that its not a mantis but a regular shrimp. Thick claws and plyer like pincers are dead give aways for a pistol shrimp.

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I guess a closer picture would have helped if my camera would have let me (too fuzzy). I went out and bought a new digital camera today- Canon s400- and I am trying to convince myself that my obsessive reef hobby had nothing to do with the purchase.

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first off, depending on your size, it's hard to mount a buttefly. gotta be real careful not to crush them.


ok, in all seriousness, haven't you ever been to a natural history museum where they have bugs mounted with pins on white backgrounds?

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OT, but you should have seen this damn moth I found the otherday. I do live int he middle of the woods, but this thing was like as big as my thumb. Just the body!!! With wings bigger then my fist. Spooky! SHoulda sent him to El_dante for mounting!

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