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What is this beastie?


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I bought new live rock today and came home and started carefully chiseling it apart. When I cracked open one rock, inside the middle of the damn rock in a hole was this thing. It was basically 1/2" long. Is this a baby mantis shrimp perhaps?


I threw it in the mantis tank figuring it would be a fight or die deal. The mini-carpet tried to eat him first then he swam away and I haven't seen him since.


Your guess?



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This was identified as a ghost shrimp actually.


This is one wild hobby I must say. You never know what you're going to run across.

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What ever it is I had 2 of them that I know of come in on my order of rock today too! They were small about 1/4 inch long, and look like the ones in the link.

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Jsabin: It's an australian scorpion shrimp. I had one before and it costed 15 dollars. They're like pistols and will pair up with gobies :)

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That , definately, looks like a young Pistol shrimp (or something very close to one).

Reminds me of a Jeruselem Cricket... *shudder*



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I believe its a rare species of aquatic aardvark.


this is the larval stage. In 3 months it will pupate into a full grown 40lb aquatic aardvark.


I hear they're great at controlling 'pods .... When it reaches reproductive age (15 years) frag me a piece ok?

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J, seems like you have one of those mutated shrimp that's acquired characteristics of every living species of shrimp. Good job man! But em' on EBay and use the proceeds to finish up that 180.

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