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I can't catch my clown! ARG!


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Okay, seriously.


This seems like a simple task ... my rogue female clown must be caught. I'm returning her to the LFS and getting two juveniles, but she simply won't have it.


How the HELL can I catch this thing?



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Wait till a couple of hours after lights out, then go all alien encounter on her. Just leave her butt out of the abduction, m'kay.

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try using the ole

"hey whats that over there" trick

one hand is net/net handle/rod/whatevre

other hand is a clear container

herd fish into clear container by using rod to scare em into it

could also make a fish trap out of an empty water bottle

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I had the same problem you did with my clown killing and attacking clowns shes evil....after she killed my 1st clown i bought a second and tried a bunch of rockwork changes and taking them out seperating them or taking them out together tricks nothing worked (i returned the new one) the femlae clowns are too mean......i had alot of trouble catching them too......i bought a bigger net that really helped but i still had to take out some of my rock to get them......now if i wanted to catch her id just stick my hand in there and she would bite me and i could grab her bare handed.....im stuck with 1 fish in my 12 gallon now.

If i were you id return the bad one and get a completly differnt fish, i dont trust clowns anymore...

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Lower the water level as much as you can, put a clear container in the tank in an open area, slowly herd (not chase) the clown into the container.

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After days of failing to net my clown... or even convince her to swim gently into a clear glass... I finally caught the rogue female with an empty water bottle trap. I basically cut the top off and put it inverted inside the other piece, which formed a funnel-type trap. I left it in the tank for 18 hours with no result, so I finally put some frozen mysis inside, and sure enough, she went right in.


I've since returned her to the LFS and bought 2 new clowns ... for more on that, check out this thread.


Thanks for the help!



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After days of failing to net my clown... or even convince her to swim gently into a clear glass... I finally caught the rogue female with an empty water bottle trap. I basically cut the top off and put it inverted inside the other piece, which formed a funnel-type trap. I left it in the tank for 18 hours with no result, so I finally put some frozen mysis inside, and sure enough, she went right in.


I've since returned her to the LFS and bought 2 new clowns ... for more on that, check out this thread.


Thanks for the help!




Awesome. I forgot that is what my brother did for me when I was moving. My angel fish was huge and so he cut in half a gallon water jug and made sure the handle was still on it.

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clear cup (whatever) haft in water food on top wen she eats lower cup that will suck her in (big cup is better)

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