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Fridmani experience???


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Hey all, I plan on adding a Fridmani to my 25g tall


I have a possum wrasse in there right now, been in there for about 2 weeks now...


Will add my pair of Ocellaris Clowns soon...


Would a Fridmani do well in this environment? Or would he be in constant hiding? I'm looking for him to be out and about and hoping he will be :)


Anybody w/ any experience? Thanks!!:D

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I have one in a 20H with two clowns and a lawnmower blenny. He moves about in and out of the rocks, and is usually quite visible, but not always out in the open like the clowns. He hads a beautiful splash of color.

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Awesome, my possum wrasse comes out every now and then, but he definitely likes to hang in the caves when the lights are on... looking for freeswimming fish :)

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I have one, he's a cheeky guy, likes to pick fights with the other fish sometimes....he follows the crabs around the tank checkin out what they are up to...very intelligent fish :)

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Sweet, this guy's sounding more and more interesting.


To follow up w/ a question though--will he terrorize my possum wrasse since he likes to pick fights?


The possum wrasse is my first fish, he's been real chill alone, but not sure how he would be w/ a more "aggressive" fish...


He's not exactly the most OPEN eater either.

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I havent had any experience with this fish myself but I do have a pygmy wrasse. It has taken me a couple months to get him to eat frozen food regularly. If yours is not at the point he is eating every time you add frozen foods then I would wait, before adding a semi-aggressive fish.


Pseudochromis can be aggressive eaters and he may not allow the wrasse to eat much. Both of these fish will scour the LR for food so it creates competition for the wrasse, if thats his primary source of food. However if he is feeding every time you add food it shouldnt be a problem.

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yea, mine chose a cave in the rock, and doesn't let anyone get near his spot...he got in a big fight with my watchman goby once and lost, so he doesnt go explore the other caves much anymore

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DeskJockey, my wrasse eats ... but he doesn't go all the way to the top, he waits for food to come to him...? Although when the lights are off, and there's just dim room light shining in, he's a lot more brave.. hehe


Cmoreash, are you referring to teh fridmani? or wrasse?



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Mine was the same for a few weeks but now the wrasse comes out all the time. Even when my ugly mug is right up against the tank & Im invading there privacy. He's always swimming out into the water and often hangs out with my black perc. Those two are very cool to watch.

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