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Baby fish hitchhikers...


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I went to one of my favorite coral stores today and found this piece of rock that I just had to have. After purchasing that and other corals, I come home to put them in my quarantine tank. Low and behold, I see these little things darting in and out of the holes of the rock (and later swimming to the other rock). At first I thought they might be tiny shrimp, but on closer inspection, I realized that they were fish! :o At first, I only saw one, then two, then three and so on. I must have gotten the rock with all the baby fish! Now these things are so tiny (the biggest is about the size of a newborn guppy and the others about half that size smaller) so I cannot get a good photo.


I have never been interested in getting fish, only coral, so I have never really researched any habits of them and such. I am not sure if this is customary for all tiny fry or just species specific. Any information or links to lead me in the right direction would help tremendously (maybe possibly help me to identify them).


As I stated, I have never been interested in getting fish, but to watch these grow (and being freebie hitchhikers were a plus :woot: would be great.


Thanks in advance



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Umm......... From what I know you should feed new born fish newly hatched brine-shrimp or other live foods. You can make your own hatchery out of a 2 L bottle cut the top off, put in water and salt, an airstone and put the bottle under a light. You can buy eggs from ur LFS.

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Feeding them isn't a problem, as I always have bbs going anyway. They were fed last night and again this morning. I have been looking at different pics trying to find an idea of what they are, to no avail. When I typed baby saltwater fish in the directory, I got several cooking recipes lol. I just cannot find a link to baby pics or species type of behavior. I am looking more to possible identify them or at least their genre.

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They had what looked like a single naso tang :o a pair of gobies and a pair of mandarins. I am leaning more towards the gobies as they have that long, slender body. I will call them Wednesday to see if they have any idea if either of the two pairs of fish had bred.


I have found myself watching them as much as I can and they are staying on the substrate just below the rocks edge and in some of the lower holes. It is just to cute to watch them playing around :) Ah, the simple things in life that give us pleasure!


Thanks for the responses.

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u sure they arent shrimp? i too have seen lil things in petstores that looked like baby fry running over rocks and stuff very quickly but apon closer inspection they loked mmore like shrimp.

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Originally posted by Angel

Low and behold, I see these little things darting in and out of the holes of the rock (and later swimming to the other rock).  At first I thought they might be tiny shrimp, but on closer inspection, I realized that they were fish!  :o  


I thought they were shrimp at first, then saw that they weren't.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Neo: I felt that same feeling the first time I bred my betta's and 80% of them survived. The percentages have gotten better over the past five years, but that feeling remains the same :)



clsund: I haven't seen them in about a week and a half now. I added more rock to the quarantine tank that had a large brittle star hitch hiker on one of the rocks (yep, I should have known better, but didn't think to put the new rock in another quarantine tank). They are either very good hiders or became his food :( I am not sure of the predatory nature of them yet, still researching. I am keeping my fingers crossed that they are still there, but also know that they may have become food, died or just about anything.

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