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Lots of it! First day of metal halide lights and *whoa*. You are not ready to see what MH does if you haven't seen it before.


I have the 20K XM's (2 175 watt pendants) and that is impressive. From the shimmer to the way the corals pop is just impressive.


My frogspawn looks beautiful under the MH's, my wellsi looks almost salmon in color, and my bubble is glowing. I love the blue of these XM bulbs. They are supposed to whiten up some but frankly I hope they don't whiten up a whole lot.


The only coral that acted a bit strange was my fox coral. He retracted some early on but by the time I turned the lights off he was out in full force.


My normal light cycle with my PC's was 11 hours. Right now I had my MH's on for six and plan to increase by an hour every 5 days up to 9 hours tops.


Temp did in fact increase to about 81 degrees over 6 hours so I got nearly a 2 degree temp increase using the halides. I don't necessarily mind that a whole lot as I would like to stay close to 80 and with the PC's my heater was coming on more than I wanted it to.


I will take some pictures tomorrow. So far, so GOOD! Bring on the gorgeous clams and SPS baby!

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Congrats jd!! I have to say, I agree with the coral color difference under MH. I run 2x27 watt PC's on my 7.5 and I fragged a piece of a zoo colony and sent it to Crakeur and the pick he posted looks nothing like the zoos I have under the PC's. The colors totally pop with the MH's. My zoos look blah compared to the frag I sent him. Dangit all....I want MH's.

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Give me more info Korbin. How did you know it was bleaching and how long did it take for that to happen? I certainly don't want to do damage to any of them.



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I moved the frogspawn out from a 55 watt PC to a 150 watt metal halide. It was about 1.5 feet from the light. It looked great for about a week and a half, but then it started lightening up. It went from green to a light green/yellow. And a lot more clear. I can see skeleton through the tissue now. I put a piece of plastic over the part of the tank with the frogspawn. It seems to be doing well, but hasn't regained color yet.


BTW- I did the same thing with a hammer, and the hammer had no problems.

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No way, el_dante...I hope he gets tired of them real quick-like, because I live across town and I'd be the first guy in line to retrofit them to my 20 (or my 90...don't know which).;)

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korbin, frogspawn is supposed to lighten when it has more light i believe. i saw an article on frogspawn that had a pink froggy colony, in which the upper half of the colony got more light, and the bottem half was shadowed. the top half was a really light pink, while the bottem half was a dark almost purple color, but apparently it had been like that for almost 2 years, and all of the colony was healthy.

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Huh. Thanks for the info. Maybe I'll just let it go and see what happens... I always thought the tentacles would get more short and fat under high light. Mine were always long and stringy under "low" light. I have to admit, it does look cool all light green and fluorescent right now.

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Awesome, lets see some pics. Put my 20l together today, however havent been able to aquascape yet. Without thinking I caused one helluva sandstorm that still isnt settled =).

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lol j/k



I would like to see pics of it please, whenever you get them setup.

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Actually I am copying jdsabin1 hehe. I hope my mh's and fuge come in next week to get my setup complete. I will snap all kinds of pics.

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Originally posted by AbSoluTc

Do the colors literally "pop" off?  Or do they just "explode" pop?  I think I missed something?




Funny abs...I'm sure you knew exactly what I was referring to. :D

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OMG, That setup is so retro fabulous! Im lovin it dude. The steel, water and glass. Oooh.


More pics please!

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