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20g Long Fish Choices


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I am pretty sure the following list of fish is too heavy of a bioload for a 20g tank w/o a sump or skimmer but any way, tell me what you think


3 Blue or Green Chromis

2 False Clowns

1 Royal Gramma

1 Lawn Mower Blenny

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Add a fug. That list is pushing it but I think you'll be fine. except the blenny, might be trouble. I heard they dont eat too well but yeah I like the little buggers. Huge amount of personality and they look goofy.

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:'( i really like all of those fishies, and i am not exactly sure what a fug is but if it is kind of like a sump then i cant get one. If i added the fishes over time would take make it an exceptable bio load or?

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That is waaaaay too many fish for a 20 long. I have a lawnmower blenny, a royal gramms and a false perc and that is right at the limit if you want to add corals. You are four fish over the max IMO.

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I have a 20 Long and only have a tomato clown and a six line wrasse for fish. The Chromis will get dominating. Specially with the two clowns.

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