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fish death caused by ich?

Pondman 16

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I have had an eclipse system twelve set up for 3 months now and have had no luck with my saltwater. I have lost almost ten fish, including two false perculas. How long should i wait before adding anymore fish to my system? How can I combat ich? What kind of fish could I possibly put in there? Thanks

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Christopher Marks

Do you know why they have been dying?  What did they look like before/after, and how did they act?  Did you see any of them rubbing against the rocks or doing something else strange.  What was their coloring like - faded?

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Yes theire color was a little faded, especially the pygmy angel who introduced the ich to the the whole tank. I did find pieces of their scale laying on the rock. Is their anything i could use to combat it.

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Get a UV sterilizer....and since your name is pondman, I bet you have bought one of these for a pond you have made. This will get rid of all the ich bacteria in your tank. Kind of pricy but its the best way to rid it now and keep it out of your tank in the long term.:)

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The tank is only a 12 gallon eclipse. There wouldn't be any room to fit one in there. Do you know of any other treatments besides a uv sterilizer? Thanks

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UV sterilizers are external...well i dont know about ponds...but there are external ones. Yes there are other ways, but not many that are reef safe. Most will kill your corals...

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There are external sterilizers for ponds. The only thing that is wrong about putting a sterilizer into an aquarium is all of the electric that is used up from running this piece of equipment. I'll have to think about that. Thanks

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