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Cultivated Reef

New Dual 70w Halide Hood


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It's DONE! All the wiring, nice lexan cover and endcaps on! All thats left is to plug it in and letter rip!

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Finally, the full blown blinding pic! I don't think you can tell which bulb is which.



Thanks for looking!

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left is 10k


right is 20k


Hard to tell from those pics. Ill take some more later tomorrow. I was going to do 3 but did not want to spend more money for another ballast, bulb, socket and all that. This looks good to me as it is.


Besides, if I really want more light, Ill upgrade them to 150's

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Very Nice light setup Abs!


Im curious why you arnt running any actinic though. even a 20K MH does not do what a actinic does. It will keep the animals healthy but it will not let them florence in the blue light (a very cool look)..


Ohh yeah

MH changes color after its inital burn in. it takes about a week or two then the bulb burns in to its correct spectrum. you will not notice the difference untill then.


Hope that helps


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I'm not sure of the UV blocking capabilities of Lexan. I think someone told me once that it was better than glass? I'm not sure. Either way, I HIGHLY recommend that you either get a glass shield under those bulbs or make SURE the lexan will block a sufficient amount of the UV.

I keep harping on this to people, but it's important. If that lexan doesn't block the UV, you will kill your corals. And if you have the hood open with the bulbs on, you will do permanent damage to your eyes.

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you can get lexan at HD (around here atleast...) in the plexi area. Just look for the sheets that say lexan on them with a greenish plastic on the back. I cut mine myself with a plexiglass razor from hd, although it was harder to do than plexi (still pretty easy though).

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Originally posted by Crakeur

abs, if the difference between 10 and 20k is anything like I have with my 150's I would get the second 20k now.


nice handiwork.


I do like the 20k very much. However, I like to be different with my lighting. I will stick with a 10k on one side and a 20k on the other. Makes for an intresting tank color!

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