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My Aquapod 24 w/150W HQI Metal Halide System


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so im new and this is my first try here. i got my tank and set it up monday, i got 2 pounds of rock 20lbs of sand and 25gals of water for 60$. i figure this was very good so im excited. i got 8 more lbs of rock today and im going to try to get another 15 within the next few days. this is what im working with.




24 Gallon Current Usa Aquapod w/150W HQI Metal Halide System


stock return pump (this pump weak any suggested upgrades?)





stock bio balls and ceramic tubes


2x of the Stock Sponges


10+lbs. Live Rock From Fiji (getting 15 more so ill be at 25lbs, that should be enough right?)


20lbs. fuji pink Live Sand



NONE hehe im going to let this cycle for 2-3 weeks before i add anything. i got all my stuff pre-cycle and ready but i know i need to let my bio bacteria to grow:) as when i get every thing set i dont know if i want to go fish or seashores or try risky work and do both. sense i was thinking sea-horses i decided to make a reef tank that resemble a reef on the edge of a kelp forest or something. so my tank is the mixing spot of both.

what do you guys think? i love suggestions , idea on fish and personal info. pump references? you think seashores will bump reef to much? im not going to add them first i want to add a few corals and emerald crabs and snails and all that and then a few months later add fish or horses.


so stopping me here on the blabber and here some photos, there on my phone so sorry for size. what yall think?:)














this has been fun and more to come:)

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Congrats on your tank thread! :D


Looks good, but here are a few things:

You'll want to upgrade the stock pump. Just about everyone with APs and NCs change them, so have a look around and see what would be a good option.

Remove the bio balls (I'm not sure what the ceramic tubes are) because they tend to collect poo and other crud and can increase your nitrates.

I'm pretty sure you'll want to remove the sponges also, for the same reasons. You can use filter floss or pillow stuffing to keep the water clear, but you'll need to change them out often.


This is your first SW tank right? If so, then I would strongly suggest you not attempt to keep seahorses. They are very delicate creatures and don't do well in reef tanks because they are poor swimmers. They really need a specimen tank and care from an experienced aquarist. I don't want to sound discouraging, but you really need to start off with beginner animals, so you don't set yourself up for disaster.


Other than that, have fun!!!

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Go for a MJ1200, about the same gph I believe but less wattage and runs cooler.


Interesting vals & hair grass in the tank, lol. I've never saw a marine tank using em, a different look at any rate.


Definitely ditch the filtering stuff, I'm running chemi pure/purigen, a small bag of seachem carbon, and walmart craft floss in the back of mine. Your live rock will be doing all the filtering your tank needs.


Will be watching this thread, jealous of your 150 HQI !!!

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thanks guys:) yea i need a new pump. when i get some more money ill take the other filter stuff out also:) there only like 5 bio balls and 5 tubes the rest is the 2 foam peices:) i want to remove the balls and tube and put rock rubble down there but i first got to finish getting rock:-P


yea i also think seahorse is to advance so im going to stick with a clown or to... maby one day seahorse or clams might be a go:-D


ill post more photos when i get more rock:)

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Rock rubble also not a good add on, nitrate trap according to other NR here.


Check mail order catalogs for supplies, saved me a handful of cash.


I'm looking to add a clown as well, gobies are cute but I love clowns, that and possibly a shrimp to munch the aiptasia I've got.

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so what i did today,

added 17lbs of rock (3lbs replaced the filter bio balls and ceramic tubes)


removed 2 plastic plants.


and study all the hitch hikers


1 emerald crab

7 brittle stars (tiny)

like 50 feather duster and isopods

and 2 or 4 anemia (will get shrimp to kill them)



so here the finial setup before coral and critters:)





corner view










hope you liked:)

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I like the rock set up, am jealous. Trying to figure out what to do with mine, I want spots for coral, no clue how much rock I have (tank came with some and I added). Need to get different kinda pieces , flat or such.


Following along on yours to see what critters you add

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I got lucky with my rock,i ask for the smallest pieces because its easier to set up i fine. i got 2 large pieces and broke it with the hammer... thats how i found the crab... thats how he lost a claw:(


the stack on the left is 8 pieces 1 larger one for the base and one larger one on top and then abunch of tennis ball sizes. the one on the right is like 14 pieces. im having alot of fun doing it:) spending money i dont have to do it lol.... owell isnt that what credit cards were made for?:)

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So just stacked not epoxied right?


I've got a mondo piece I was debated busting up but didn't and the rest are pretty small, all stacked up along the back wall (tank link on sig below). I just like the open and airy look, and I don't have it.


Yeah this hobby sucks the cash out fast doesn't it? I just got an ATO (set it up today)....am going broke fast, also ordered some Nimble magnets, a refractometer off eBay and a pump to run the ATO.


Another nite of rice n beans or pasta for me till payday.

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yep only stacked, making sure there well stable though. yea the money go so fast i only wanted to spend 450 for my whole setup and now im at 600 and havnt even done the pump or livestock yet:( or heater! omg im going to have to work some much these next few weeks!

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Lol, I dont want to add up what I've spent. The tank, about 20 or so lbs LR, LS, stand, box of assorted stuff (bucket, heater, pumps, hydrometer, test kits etc) and a busted hood minus fan were mine for a song (about 125 bucks). After that it went pretty much downhill fast (except for another gonga deal on the 70w Sunpod with dead bulb I swapped my dead hood for), newer test kits, more rock, in tank fuge, skimmer, koralia nano, replaced stock pump with MJ1200, corals and more corals, 2 cheap Petco fish, cheap cuc, ATO, new bulb for MH sunpod, mag frag rack, the Nimbles, refractometer, timers, power strips, salt mix and probably a few other items that have escaped me.


All while trying to set up an 80g freshwater tank as well.

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well im going to add a pep shrimp today. i know my tank isnt cycled all the way but the crab seems fine and i need somthing to eat the glass anemone that i see (2 for sure and i think 5 more babys). also ill get some dried algee for my crab sence there isnt a whole lot in there right now.

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umm arent they really sensitive to water conditions???


i'd buy some Joe's Juice or Aiptasia control/stop/killer whatever the products called or even heat up lemon juice

and squirt em with that.

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Yup, don't add any more critters until the cycle is completely finished!!!!! Especially not a shrimp as they are very sensitive to high nitrates!

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i guese i wont add him then. i get them for like 4 $ so i figure it was cheaper and natrual. i dont like to do any warfare:-p specialy when there all over my tanks and id have to nuke every spot to get them all. they grow fast a few probly double size last night (or they moved and bigger ones got in there spots)

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ok so heres a big problem and its the biggest and most important to deal with. a tanks temp should be 78-80 right?? well my tank with that light runs 85, im watching night temps now with the moon light on. whats the best way to fix this yall think?

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Fans if a chiller isn't in your budget (it's NOT in mine). Azoo or AquaTek sell em. i've got the AquaTek dual that i got off ebay, Dr F&S sells em too.


I'm running a 70w Sunpod over my 24AP and I'm in Az and its HOT HOT HOT here already and near 80 in my house w/the a/c and ceiling fans on. Tank is nice n cool. Great investment for under 30 bucks.

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im going to look into that. i have glass ontop my tank right now because without it i lose about a inch of water a day. i might have to save up and get a chiller but i wont be happy about it! my stand that came with my aqua is so tiny i wouldn't be able to fit it in and that be more crap lying on the ground looking bad:(

i wish i had one other the stand that was the shape of the tank extend strait down not this crappy 8x8x8" column one:(

owell cant cry over things i cant change:-P

ill keep a eye on the night temp, what the lowest it should go? and i know the temps was suppose to be 78-80 but if it changes 2 degrees within a hour or to will that put everything in shock?

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No glass here as mine had the crappy damaged hood on it (i.e no fans, burnt guard and wrong bulbs). My stand came with it too, tall thing, I need a stepladder (38" tall)


I get (got) a ton of evap, with the MH, the house temp and the fans (yes they add to the evap factor but they do cool it down). I just bought a JBJ ATO and set it up last nite. Still tinkering with it to get the flow into the back chamber NOT into the display.


Not sure how low can drop, even in nature the temps drop at nite, I'm not thinking a few degrees will cause an issue, esp if its gradual. I never paid much attention to mine.

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so i was planning on my CUC and im trying to do the 1 critter a gallon rule. so i made a list, was hoping to get ya'lls opinion.


3 super snails =6

2 emerald crabs =2

1 red mithrax crab =1

6 blue leg hermits =6

6 scarlet hermits =6

1 pep shrimp =1

2 sexy shrimp=2

thats 24gallon points:)


i know the emerald crabs might fight but im going to try to get 1 male 1 female and bread them:) (will the red crab fight with them?). the shrimps i dont know to much yet about them what yall think? i need the pep for glass animias(wow spelt bad)

im pretty sure every thing i picked is reef safe but if its not please let me know:-p

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