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Innovative Marine Aquariums

anyone else using Brightwell Aquatics additives?


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I just got a half gallon each of the Reef Code A and B two part, seeing as the head chemist from Kent is the one who started this and hearing about how Kent's stuff was more watered down, i am expecting good things...anyone else?

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Atlantis Reef

I just got some and haven't used yet but I have heard nothing but good so far about them

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just thought I would update my own experience since it seems not too many are using this. I have been using the Reef Code A and Reef Code B two part for a couple weeks now. I had run out of the Kent Tech CB two part I was using so I ordered 2L bottles of the BA stuff. I am so far very impressed. My calcium had dropped down way low, around 180ppm after not dosing for a few weeks, alkalinity was also rather low around 5-6 dkH. When the A&B stuff arrived I gave it a large dose per the instructions and it near immediately brought me back to my 480ppm CA and 9-10 dkH ALK ranges, nice already. After dosing and testing for a week I am finding it only takes 5-6 cc's of each in my 75gal + system to maintain 460-480ppm CA and 9-10 dkH ALK. I was having to use 15cc's of each part of the Kent Tech CB stuff daily to maintain this level.


My order of the BA additives through fishtanksdirect.com was screwed up by UPS, and ftd.com was kind enough to reship a new order AND threw in a 250ml bottle of Zooplanktos_M. I have been using it every few days and so far it looks like my pod and other microscopic critter population has exploded, chaeto and calupera macro is growing quite a bit faster, and my corals are getting brighter by the day, especially my trumpets and zoos.


I have been so impressed with it I just ordered another 250mL bottle of the Zooplanktos_M and a 250Ml bottle of the Replenish trace and minor element additives. This is the only drawback to the BA Reef Code two part, the Kent Tech CB also had trace elements in it that the Reef Code does not, but if you ask me, it's worth it because of how much straonger the BA additives are compared to the Kent stuff. The price is hard to beat too, $12 for a 2L bottle...., great stuff guys, just FYI.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Where at RC did you see this info? I have done several searches and haven't really found much info on their products at all...

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My LFS got the line up of BA products and have been using then on the Freshwater and reef tanks....the bio-fuel and bacteria really shows in his tank and the AA looks like it's working too.

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Hmm... Seems at least some of their products are liked. The two part dosing system for calcium seems reccomended in a couple of threads. Not sure if anything is better or worse than any other brand though.


Thanks for the link bdare.


As far as a good online retailer I am not sure. My LFS stocks all their products and I may try them. I currently do not dose anything, I just water change once a week. Well, that's not true, I do dose Seachem Reef Plus. Everything has done pretty good so far. Just added several LPS though and would like to add an SPS or two. So a good two part my be useful.

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I guess one of my issues is they try to pass stuff that just doesn't work. For example, they sell Kalk+ which is supposed to contain Mg. The problem is, when you mix Kalk it will precipitate out the Mg rendering it useless.





For me this type of practice makes me lose trust in thier products.

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wwhat are all the different letters at the end of the food additvies _M, _S, _Z for the ZOO, and Phyto

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That is certainly a good point bdare. Selling something questionable does kind of make you wonder about the rest of their products.... Although it would seem several other competing lines also have questionable products.

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I agree. That's why I dose my tank with materials from Bulkreefsupply.com. You can't go wrong with Baking soda, CaCl, Mg chloride and Mg Sulfate.

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B-Ionic from ESV is time-tested, proven, and fairly cheap if you get it in large amounts. I love the stuff.


Just my .02

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so what sizes and type would be best for softies such as, zoos, shrooms,,rics,, daisys ??


phytogold? phytogreen? replenish? Zoo_M a-z lol. i dont know theres too many different ones


o yeah and just to inform i am by no means a NOOB... ive just never added supplements too my tanks...so not too farmiliar with them.

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Agree with the above, I love all of those. I use Seachem Reef Plus as well though. My stuff responded very positively to it. I wouldn't say the Reef Plus is a necessity though.

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the brightwell rep comes to my store all the time and hooked me and my coworker up with some free samples--he understands that if we don't like it we won't sell it. i got the liquid reef, alkalin8.3 powder, phytogold-s, zooplanktos-s, and koralle-vm. it's not bad, i prefer seachem but i don't dislike brightwell. definitely better than kent, i've noticed more of a feeding response with the BA coral foods than Kent's phytoplex and zooplex. so in order for me it's seachem, brightwell, kent.

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The Propagator
DT's oyster eggs, DT's Phyto, Frozen cyclops, and rotfiers... All you need.





I can NEVER find rotifers locally. Pizzes me off. Dt's phyto SUCKS BAWLZ but I love the oyster eggs. ;)

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I can NEVER find rotifers locally. Pizzes me off. Dt's phyto SUCKS BAWLZ but I love the oyster eggs. ;)

What's wrong with the Phyto??? Works great for me. You DO know you're supposed to refrigerate it right? Also... it's for the fish tank... not to keep you regular!

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The Propagator

I know that skippy. Even fresh from the manufacturer its half dead and smelling like rotted eggs.

There is not way that stuff is even more then half live when you get it. I have great luck using Chroma plex and phytoplex by kent, and DT's Oyster eggs.

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