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Guess:whose tank?


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click the link to watch video: http://tv.mofile.com/YYF9M3S2/


Im assuming yours?

Its always interesting seeing tanks from members living in other parts of the world, because it becomes easy to see how vastly different the perceived rules, and methods of fish and reef keeping are from place to place.

You would think it'd be much more similar with the amount of global communication we have, but, definetly not.


I like the shrooms alot - heads up since i dont know how experienced you are...

careful adding an zoas and LPS, i had a bicolor that I had to move cause he nipped my corals liked crazy!

I have quite a few corals in my display reef right now that are in serious need of TLC for that very reason


Welcome to nano-reef

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Yes, this is my tank. :P


I haven't come here sevral months. The tank changed much. All the demsals were taken out of tank because they have lived more than half an year and become adult. Adult demsals like to change their colour into black and attack other fish include the large rabbit fish ,and often fight with the large tang. They killed all the new fish I added in the tank. So I had to take them out before I add new fish again.


Now there are two new fish in the tank. You can see them in the video when they have lunch. The small angle is very beautiful,but this kind of angle is very difficult to raise. Now he has lived in my tank more than1month,but I don't know how long he can live.


Other fish, rabbit is nearly 8 months. Though he is not healthy(his back is thin), I think he will live longer than the angle. the clown is also 8 months. the powder brwon tang is 4 months. he looks fat and healthy.But just last weekend , the tank is very near to death,beacuase I forgot him in a fresh water bucket more than 20 mins. I made his death note video.the video's link: http://tv.mofile.com/S3N1LSVV/


I don't want to raise LPS etc, beacause the NO3 in my tank is a little high. mushrooms don't care about NO3 and don't interest the small angle too.

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YAEH!!!! fishnemo is back :D




I don't want to raise LPS etc, beacause the NO3 in my tank is a little high.


you don't say?! How high is it?

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you don't say?! How high is it?


Not only beacause of the NO3, but the brain coral will be eaten by many fish( just like angle,etc)

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i am just wondering what your NO3 is testing at,


I have the same question to you. And how often you test NO3?



I will go to sleep ,wait for your answer tommrow. 88

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my nitrate levels are at 0. you do not want any nitrates in a reef tank, anything with corals. I don't test as often any more but why you have so many fish in a small tank, i would really keep an eye on them. Test every week in your tank. I tested every three days during the first 2 months of my setup.

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I have the same question to you. And how often you test NO3?



I will go to sleep ,wait for your answer tommrow. 88


Haha, best response ever. What are my nitrates? What are YOUR nitrates? :ninja:

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my nitrate levels are at 0. you do not want any nitrates in a reef tank, anything with corals. I don't test as often any more but why you have so many fish in a small tank, i would really keep an eye on them. Test every week in your tank. I tested every three days during the first 2 months of my setup.


Reef coral tank need NO3 in a low level. Some corals can't put up with high NO3. If some corals just like brain are good in your tank, it is not necessory to test NO3. The corals have told you the NO3 is under control.


FO tank (just like my tank). fish are lead. They eat much and the NO3 can't be under control. change water this week, Maybe the NO3 will be more than 100 after 4 weeks. NO3more than 100, test looks red. 150, 200, 300,test all look red. You can't know the exact date from NO3 test.(the most important NO3 level for fish can't be tested exactly) So I think change water every month is more important than NO3 test if your tank is FOT.

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I don't think high NO3 levels are all that great for fish either. I know some can tolerate it, but do they really thrive??? I have always thought giving the animals under our care the best living conditions possible should our goal.


I don't know you as I am fairly new here, so if I have spoken wrongly I appologize. It seems that you know enough about SWF that you could do better for your fish.

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I don't think high NO3 levels are all that great for fish either. I know some can tolerate it, but do they really thrive??? I have always thought giving the animals under our care the best living conditions possible should our goal.


I don't know you as I am fairly new here, so if I have spoken wrongly I appologize. It seems that you know enough about SWF that you could do better for your fish.


There has been a huge thread on this already (which got locked b/c of hysterical flaming), and fishnemo1 has shown that he is not going to change his practices. There is little that can be done by us to persuade him not to place so many fish in a tank that size.

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There has been a huge thread on this already (which got locked b/c of hysterical flaming), and fishnemo1 has shown that he is not going to change his practices. There is little that can be done by us to persuade him not to place so many fish in a tank that size.


Okay. Well then I feel sorry for his fish.

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