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Great Buys on 96 watt retro


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I have one in my 12G Eclipse and it's great. No complaints at all. I do think you can get it cheaper on another site though. Something like 100 bucks or so. I can't seem to remember where though. If it hits me, I'll post again.

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i still see the same thing, not trying to argue but one is cheaper has 2 fans and clean looking unit, the other is 30 more and well the same thing but with less......thats all i meant

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If you do a search on ebay you find the Coral Life 96 watt quad for 110 shipped with legs INCLUDED....can't beat that.



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Unit, I see what you mean. I guess for the money, you can't beat the Coralife setup. For me though, the Coralife one wouldn't work for my Eclipse 12G, so I had to go w/ the retro.

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Koolaid, I was having temp. issues even before I got it w/ the SuperNova 32. I used a Dremel to saw off two sections in the back and plugged in these fans:


Unfortunately, the guy jacked up his price a bit since I bought them; but ever since, my temp. has been steady on 81 degrees and that's including a 13w Rite-lite. Best part of it all is that the set-up still looks clean.

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oh i completely understand, i just love my coralife for my 15H


...this just hit me , y dont u just take apart the coralife unit, has same stuff as the retro[reflector socket, bulb, electronic ballast,] BUT now u have two fans to retro into your hood....just a thought

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Originally posted by el_dante

Koolaid, I was having temp. issues even before I got it w/ the SuperNova 32.  I used a Dremel to saw off two sections in the back and plugged in these fans:  


Unfortunately, the guy jacked up his price a bit since I bought them; but ever since, my temp. has been steady on 81 degrees and that's including a 13w Rite-lite.  Best part of it all is that the set-up still looks clean.



Cool do you have any photos of your tank, especially the hood?

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Here are two pics. They aren't great, but it's what I had in my sent files folder from when I sent pics to some other guy a few weeks ago. If you want some more, perhaps of the actual tank, I'll shoot some when I get in from work. Let me know.

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Cool, I like that. Shoot some more of the tank if you get the chance. I've been considering that light, but heat is holding me back.

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Quincy, that's a 13w Rite-Lite from Lowes. I switched the stock 6700k bulb with an Actinic 03. That way, I can get a dusk/dawn effect.

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They work really well. They keep the temp at a steady 81 degrees. Each fan has its own temp probe, so as it gets hotter, the fans get quicker. So far, no problems at all except for the one day that I accidentally forgot to turn them on. Tank hit about 88 degrees w/out them, so these things really work.

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Nice job. I like your setup. It is such a pain to do maintenance to the tank with the hood though. I drip water everywhere.


I saw the e-bay auction for those fans. That's not that bad of a price. I've also considered the Ice probe, and plumb it into my HOB filter. It might be worth it in the long run since those fans are under the hood, and they are exposed to saltwater. Eh, it won't be awhile, so I have some time to think.


Your tank is very bright. It puts my 32w to shame. Once I get some more coral in the tank, I might splurge for the light and the fans.


Gee, I wonder if Marineland will still warranty the tank now?? :)

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