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Starfish Splitting!


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Just saw something really cool. Just fed Mysis shrimp and was watching to see if my super shy Green Clown Goby would eat - had not seen him in two days! Did not see goby actually eat, but he came out and swan around a lot.


As I was sitting still trying not to scare goby, I noticed that one of the starfish was stretching out - it was like part of it was walking away from rest! Wish I had taken a picture right when it started.


Away, I thought this was too cool and wanted to share - did manage to snap a couple.


A looong stretch!



Houston, we have separation!!



See ya later!!!


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  • 3 years later...

At one point I was pulling out 60-100 of these per week out of my tank.


People who know nothing about saltwater tanks like looking at the "cute little starfish" all over the glass though...

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Over the past few months I noticed a steady decline in my corraline algae. Two weeks ago i checked out my tank at night with a flashlight and noticed these asterina stars all over the glass and some on the rockwork. I've been steadily removing them and am hoping the corraline will come back. If you like your corraline, I'd suggest to pick those sucker out. Nonetheless, your pics are neatooo as I've never seen them split like that before.

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People who know nothing about saltwater tanks like looking at the "cute little starfish" all over the glass though...

I know some stuff about saltwater tanks and I still enjoy the cute little starfish all over the glass :lol:

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