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Cultivated Reef

Food for clowns


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I just got two tank raised clowns (false perc) from saltwaterfish.com. Very smooth transaction, by the way, I'd recommend them.


Anyway, what is the best food for them? They are eating Formula 1 but not exactly devouring it with vigor; I'm wondering what would be the best food for them while they get used to their new home.


Same question regarding an orchid dottyback.


Thanks in advance,


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Maybe some type of enriched brine shrimp or small mysis.


I have a tank raised oce I got recently, and mine goes so nuts over the enriched brine that it will eat it out of the other fishs mouths if they don't swallow it fast enough.

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What's a good source for mysis?


What 'morsels' are you referring to exactly? (Sorry for my ignorance if I'm missing something!)

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Robert, when did you get the clowns? When I first got mine they were picky eaters for about the first week or so. Now they will eat anything I throw in the tank. I just use formula 1 for their main diet but give them varied items throughout the week including brine shrip, mysis, etc.

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I got them last week. They were at first vigorously eating, now they are spitting out about half of the Formula 1 pellets. They just aren't going after them like they were when they were first put in the tank. I'm going to do a water change today, maybe that will perk them up, I have also ordered some frozen Mysis.

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Mine do the same as yours. They aren't into the formula 1 but they go nuts over frozen brine shrimp. I am trying to get them to start eating more formula 1. Let me know if you have success.

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I have had far more success feeding my clowns flake food. They didn't take the pellets very well, like you guys mentioned. I am not sure if it is hard for them to break up the pellets or what. Also most of the time I only feed them every other day. That way I know they will eat when I feed them and it helps control extra nutrients getting into my system. The result = happy fish, little algae.

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Morsels, kinda hard to explain, they are just these little balls of dry food, come in a little can, made for marine fish... I dno, he likes them though

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