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Innovative Marine Aquariums

How to feed a Skunk cleaner shrimp


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I have been feeding my skunk with frozen brine shrimp since that is what I have for my Clownfish. I hold a tiny piece of frozen brine in between my fingers and let the shrimp pick it out of my fingers and the clown does a good job of picking up the scraps that float away. There has to be a easier way to feed my Skunk, it seems as if there may be to much brine shrimp flaoting away with the method I am using. So, how do you feed your Skunk?


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i get a piece of formula one and push it into the live rock where my cleaners hang out. they pick at it then my other fish find it and pick off the rest.

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With my Peppermint shrimp I just feed him a small piece of krill (because he'll take it from the sebae neway) and he munchs on that for awhile and what he doesnt finsh the crabs take care of :D . Mind you this is in a 37 Gallon... :-*



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