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Lawnmower Blenny


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I would like to get a Lawnmower Blenny (got a lot of lawn) but seem to recall hearing that they will eat or kill Feather Dusters. The LFS said they never heard this. Anyone encounter this or have any other experience with them.


Thanks Frank

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Lawnmower blennies are great! At least thats been my experience...several others have horror stories...it seems that some LM blennies eat prepared foods just fine (as is the case with mine) while others will only eat the algae growing naturally in your tank and slowly starve once its gone. (And don't say you've got enough..lol...LM's eat like horses...I've seen mine almost out eat a yellow tang). Its one of those "at your own peril" animals...but I'd say go for it..just keep an eye out that its eating..mine likes to munch on Nori and eat Formula 1 like everything else in the tank..if that helps (as my tank is, THANK GOD, almost nuisance algae free..or rather completely under control). AS far as eating feather dusters and other tube worms..I've never seen evidence of that...mine plays nice with everything in the tank (well..except the GSP's that it likes to "sit" on..lol).



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I've never had a problem with them ever. I've got a few dusters in tanks with blennies and they could care less about them. I think they might start picking on stuff if they get really hungry but I feed mine too.



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Hi, I also have never had a problem with lawnmower blennys. I would not keep them in anything less than a 30gal aquarium. The ones I have kept in my 55 and 75 have been the best fish, they are just so fun to watch.

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Do you think a LM blenny would be ok in a 26 gallon bow front tank? I would also like a pair of mated clowns in the same tank, so thats 3 fish total. I will also be running a 5gallon fuge so that may help liten the bio load. What do you think, should I be ok?


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