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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Open Brain - need help!


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I got a red and green open brain coral in the mail today. I purchased it from a reputable online seller sight unseen. I am a little bit concerned about the open brain's health though. It hasn't fully expanded yet and I realize that it may take several days for that to happen, but there are a couple of lesions in the outer tissue. One of them is housing some sort of filter-feeder creature and I think I caught a glimpse of an extremely tiny crab/crustacean in the other. The areas around the lesions have lost their color. I attached a few pictures so you can see what I'm talking about. These lesions are very small and I didn't even notice them until staring at it for a while. Should I be concerned about this? Are these some sort of parasites? What should I do?



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If you like you can do an Iodine dip with Lugol's Iodine just to be on the safe side. This will also help if the skeleton pierced which might cause an infection.

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