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what fish are recommed for a newbs 10g nano?


i have breed many FW fish before and i like to try some SW.


i dont want anything agressive unless it is truely beautiful.

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Not many people post in the wee hours of the morning, so you need to be patient. :)


Clowns are always a great choice. Lot's of personality. There are differing opinions as to how many fish to keep in a ten gallon tank, but IMO two would be fine. I keep a clown and a goby in my 7 gallon.

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i dont want anything agressive unless it is truely beautiful.

ah, but isn't that always the case with fish and women. :D


i agree with caja, clowns are inexpensive, relatively and very pretty with loads of character.


damsels are another possibility but are a little too aggressive (but pretty).


dottybacks are gorgeous but nasty critters that need LR.


probably gobies are the only other option for those just starting out, very cute, and with agreeable natures. hmmm, kinda like my daughters still are i guess before puberty hits. :*(

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thanks guys for the help and for ?making me laugh .


i think ill try 2 baby false perc. and try to breed them, pay back what the nano is costing me.

-is that smart?

-are they hard to breed?


another thing, if im going to breed them can they have another tankmate?

-green chomis?

-watchman goby?

-4 fish in a 10g nano

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Green chromis are excellent fish. I have a trio of them in my 10 gallon. They breed every 3-4 weeks, but none of the babies make it (adults canabilize them, hermit crabs get them). I did get a pair that were about 1/3 the size of their parents, but the hermits cornered them at night, and I think we know how that ended. Clowns will also breed often, but an employee at my LFS (he has tried breeding perculas) said that, the breeding is easy, raising the young is time consuming, expensive, and more stress than it is worth. But, I think it might be easier because of all of the resources we now have. I don't think the first " batch" of clowns will be profitable, but if you succeed, it could provide you with a second income. You will need a separate grow-out tank. I'd recommend joining reefcentral.com if your not already a member. The have a fish breeding forum you should look at. I don't think 4 fish in a ten gallon is a good idea. 3 small chromis might be your limit. HTH

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