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How gunky is your fuge?


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My CPR AquaFuge is doing it's thing but I have noticed that it's starting to get a little 'gunky' (technical term) with all the mild flow and macro in there. I'm not talking about cyano or anything like that but more of a algae-ish coating on the divider where the water flows into the last chamber for example before entering back into the tank.


Just wondering how everyone else's fuge looks after a while? And silly question #998 but does anyone ever attempt to clean their fuge?



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Jeff, I don't think you've seen my fuge lately, but it's plain hideous. Lots of cyano, some green gunk, hair, and some caulerpa. One of these days I am going to take it down and do some rehab work to it. It definitely needs it.


They get pretty gunky, but I don't know that I'd worry about it yet. With lights on it 24/7, it's bound to grow some unpleasant stuff.

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well gunky is kinda the point of a 'fuge imo. you want the junk in your trunk to out compete the similar stuff up top.


I guess if the main tank is clear and the 'fuge isn't then don't mess with the 'fuge unless you need to prune back some of the macro-algae's :)

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MY fuge is gunky cpr hang on the back, I have alot of brillo algea in there and the red slime/gunk grows on the algea. So when i do my water changes i just rinse off the bilo algea in the old tank water shake off all the slim and while i have it out i just prune back the dead or dying spots. I dont worry about losing pods when doing this I have so many of them and they reproduce like mad.

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I can post an overhead of my fuge from last week when I get home. It looks like a bucket of puke. 5 macros in there of varying colors, red slime, green slime and god knows what else. The divider is showing some nasty whitish film on it. It is in dire need of a scraping and scaping (and an extrication of some probably dead mangroves) but I just don't have the patience. Besides, the uglier it gets the less algae growth in the main tank, or so it seems.

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