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5 GA 5 Weeks into Cycle


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Hi guys,


I got to borrow my cousins digital cam this morning so I decided to snap some shots of my cycling Nano. I kept trying to get a shot of the few coral polyps that have appeared on one of the LR but they all came out blurry.


Anyway my tank inventory is:



60 GPH mini Powerhead (some company called Resun)

2x18W 6500K bulb (one was colored blue with a permanent marker to soften the yellow color)

6 lbs LS

11 lbs LR (that's 6lbs LR and 5lbs dead rock I used as a base)


She's been cycling for 5 weeks now and everything is looking real good. I'm hoping to add my first coral by next week if I can get enough free time to go pick some up.


BTW does anyone feel that there's too much LR in there?

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this was the closest I could get to the polyps...it's pretty blurry. I'm not a very good photographer...of course it's too blurry to id but does anyone have any guesses?

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Lookin good there Cuteios.....and no i don't think you have too much LR in there.....try to aquascape the rocks in such a way that there'll be caves etc...seems to be a popular technique....


i'm kinda jealous now....i've still got an empty tank sitting at home and it's gonna be a couple more months before i'm able to do anything about it :(


good job on ur tank tho....keep us posted when you start to add ur inverts etc.......

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Kenny: I'll try my best to keep posting new picts. I just got these because I was able to borrow my cousin's digital camera as I don't own one myself. I'll try to borrow my friends camera next week as I'm considering adding a fish this weekend. And perhaps my first coral frag in the next week.

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  • 3 weeks later...

FYI folks, my tank is now the proud home of a cute little clown. Well he has a little yellow tail damsel to keep him company until my friend gets a new tank...he had a little leak problem the other day. Still trying to borrow the camera to get some pics though

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Must be nice that you live where some retailers/suppliers get thier livestock. Is it expensive getting coral locally? I'm going back there to Boracay and Cebu this January. Will definitely go diving and take some underwater pics of the reefs.



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nope coral fragment range in cost from $0.40 to $1.20 a piece. very cheap. the fish are about $0.10 upwards none cost more than $6.00 though. Boracay is great...lots of nice corals, another good spot for this is zambales where we went on vacation this year. The shallowest reef was a meer 3 feet in depth. I was in heaven.

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wow those prices are crazy! but i guess living so close, not much transhipping involved. Very nice tank btw. Are you from the us?

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Spencer I'm living in the Philippines right now...but I grew up in california. So I guess you could say I'm from the us. Well i try not to convert the money to figure cost...the cost of the stuff in local currency is ok...not dirt cheap but very acceptable. it's the supplements, equiptment, lighting and test kits that are a big hole buster on the pocket around here.

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  • 4 months later...

Hey guys,


It's been awhile since I posted around here. Since this tread was started my tank has gone through a lot of changes. For starters I added a HOB which I run without a filter medium. I changed all the rocks since I ran across some really cool ones two months back. Up until recently everything was fine I only had a small colony of zoos and I got a frogspawn last week. The frogspawn currently looks awful and I haven't seen my zoos open all day...I'm getting worried. Anyone have any idea what's going on?

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I think the new rock I threw in there was cure. Besides I let it sit for a month with regular monitoring and the specs where all clear before I added anything else to the tank. I was just making sure that if it did recycle I wasn't going to kill anything this time. I think the frogspaw problem might be due to my not acclimating it to the tank before throwing the thing in there. What ticks me off is that the button polyps which have been around for almost a month seem to be sharing the trouble with the frogspawn. :(

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Kumusta my fellow lumpia eatin' brethren. :D One of these days I'll visit PI for vacation. Would love to see the real places most of these corals and fishes come from. Eat pancit, lumpia, etc. and down some "real" San Miguel beer. Not the crap San Miguel they sell here in the states. And then hook up with the yummy Assunta de Rossi --->

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But she married a gay guy!?! Anyway how are things in southern cal? My mom has a friend who lives there in orange county when I was a teen we'd stay with them when we visited disneyland, sure was better than driving from my aunts place in San Diego just to visit the park for one day. :)

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  • 2 months later...

Ok guys I know it's been a long time since I got to post any pictures of my tank over here. But I just got a hold of my friends digital camera so I went crazy and shot as many pictures of my tank as I could before he picked it up. Here's what my tank looks like now.


The Equiptment:

5.5G AGA

Mini Hob


1x10W Actinic Bulb

2x19W 6500K Screw type bulbs

8 lbs LS

9 lbs LR



1 Percula Clown

1 African Clown

1 Yellow Tail Damsel

Button Polyps




I know I have way too many fish in there, but I just couldn't help myself, I thought it looked a little too peaceful so I had to put some lively critters in there. Don't flame me for my decision!


A full shot of the tank:

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