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I saw this bug tonight running around my live rock. Of course when I went for the camera, it was nowhere to be found. I did find what looks like its molt. The “bug” wasn’t colorful and had two antennas. Any ideas?



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I did check that out before I posted. It doesn’t look anything like any of the pics shown on that thread. I got another look at it. Of course my camera wasn’t nearby.


As I was typing the reply I decided to try and find it with a flashlight. I found its spot and was able to chase it out in the open. I then caught it with a pair of tweezers. What I had looks like a baby mantis. I am hoping it is the only one. Must have come with my LR.



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It probably is some pod if it looked like a "baby mantis". I don't think anyone who has use that description ever found an actual mantis shrimp nymph. Here is a good reference to see if it was a mantis:



Here is the pods identification page from the same website:


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After looking at the pics on those links. I am 95% sure it was a mantis. It definitely had that skirt of legs on the back and the eyes did look like they were on the top of its head. I am not 100% sure because it could of also been the Amphipod

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I'm 95% sure it was a pod even without seeing it. The molt you showed is definitely a pods and pods can take many shapes and sizes. I'm impressed that you could actually catch one though.

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VicSkimmr, I did take some pics before the chase started and I will check them tonight to see if any are clear enough to tell. I’ll post later if they are clear.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I finally got some pictures.


VicSkimmer may be right, I have been seeing more of these pop up. I have one that is about four times the size of pictured one. I caught this one with a bristle worm trap that it seemed to go in and out of. I was able to grab the trap when it was in and luckily it stayed in. The large one has been too smart for me so far.


Is there anything that would eat these?




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it's a pod, and they're quite beneficial (in most cases)...and even if it was a mantis, so what, it would have been too small to do any damage.

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Also- why would you want anything to eat them? Thats like asking if anyone can burn your money for you, or steal your new TV.

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They kind of seem like bristle worms to me. Beneficial, but kind of nasty to watch crawling around the rock. Will they just keep multiplying? Do I need to keep them in check?

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yeah man, the last thing you want is you tank being over-populated by a naturally occurring and self-regenerating biologically nutritious food source...wow, that'd be rough. you should probably keep on eye on that.

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Who would they be a food source for? My clown and CUC doesn't seem to be interested. Would my Pom-Pom crab eat them if they get within his reach?

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They will become food for fish and corals alike. They also scavenge rock and sand so they are a good thing. just because you don't have a fish that scavenges endlessly doesn't mean they don;t get eaten. When I set up my old 37 gallon it was full of skeleton shrimp. I loved those little guys. One day I decided to add a Royal Gramma and a Clown. Trust me, the two fish didn't touch any prepared foods for two months because they ate so much. I miss those little shrimp.

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