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Innovative Marine Aquariums

hermit reproduction


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I posted this on the general discussion board:


<Last night, before bed, I shined the flashlight in the tank.  As I have been seeing every now and then, there were larvae of some type swimming around (they were about the size and appearance of mosquito larvae).  I shined the flashlight around a little more, and I see this blue-legged hermit, coming part way out of its shell and exposing a large clump of larvae attached to its abdomen.  It would go in and out of its shell quickly and as it did this the babies would "shoot" out and disperse.  The flashlight illuminated these babies so that my clowns could see them and sure enough they were feasting.  The clowns quickly caught on that where there was light, they could see food and started following the flashlight's beam.  It was amazing.  


My questions are, are these hermit larvae?  Or just something that laid eggs in the hermit's shell?  Do hermits reproduce inside an aquarium?  I'm assuming that none of these babies can grow into adults, or can they?   >


Ok, again last night (the next night after this post), I see larvae in the tank.  I look, and the SAME crab is ejecting babies from inside its shell.  I don't get it- do they release the babies asyncronously?  Are these little guys pretty much doomed (which I'm assuming) or is there any hope at all a few might make it if I put some tiny shells in there?  I've looked for info on the habits of hermits and I'm not coming across much.  If anyone has a good book with specific info about them, tell me what it is and I'll either buy it or get it thru inter-library loan.




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