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Coral Vue Hydros

Getting my Flower Rock Anemone's to move?


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I recently went to the LFS because they had a Zoo sale going on. I picked up a nice rock with some nice blue zoo's, some nice random colored Zoo's and these pink paly's. Well the Pink Paly's have turned out to be rock flower anemone's. Flower Rock Anemone post Im really excited because there are about 12-20 of them on the rock. They are in my frag tank now and one has even jumped ship and is on a small piece of LR. How do i get the rest of them off the rock and on to separate rocks so i can trade/sell some of these?? any suggestions??


Live Aquaria Flower rock Anemones



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Rock anemones are notorious for not moving around, thats what makes the good for reef tanks.


They are photosynthetic though so you could try putting another rock on top of it and see it it does the reach around to get to the light, and hopefully attach to another rock. I wouldnt try to pull it off, I doubt you will be successful.

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I've found the best way to get them to move is to change up the flow. When I moved my pump up a notch they all took a walk but the nice thing about flower anemones is that they don't sting anything that bad, hell they even get mad and close up after touching some zoas.

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i had the toughest time getting my rock flower anemone to move so that i could sell him. The only thing that actually worked after trying a host of different things was to remove the entire rock he was attached to from the water and then he came right off.

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try ice....

it woked on my condy and he let go (put a cube on his face or butt and he will try to get away, wont damage him)


heck my problem is that he wouldnt stick to anything and my low flow tank he got blown in the back behind rocks....



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Reef Goddess

Those don't look like true flower anemones to me. There are some small rock anemones that aren't as bad as majano's but similar, I think thats what you have. It may be harder to get them to move since they aren't true rock anemones. Are they all in holes? If not try getting to them close up and getting under their foot.

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I purchased a zoo rock in January and it had a one inch flower anemone and three 1/4 inch flower anemones on it. In the past week, the one inch anemone split into two one inch flower anemones so I assume they are adult anemones unless babies can reproduce like that (I don't know much about anemones). The zoo rock that I bought has the same color anemones and zoos. I also have two normal flower anemones and they are 4+ inches in size.

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I don't believe that they are pest anemones. They don't really hurt anything (if they touch a coral the coral doesn't really mind) and they are cool looking. If the population got out of hand somehow, you could easily remove them.

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  • 2 years later...

In deed they don't look like rock flower anemone but they do look cool. My rock flower has tentacles in the shape of drill bit, very wierd shape, and it also has tome little bubble structure on its body. yours seem to have smooth skin and smooth tentacles.


I don't believe that they are pest anemones. They don't really hurt anything (if they touch a coral the coral doesn't really mind) and they are cool looking. If the population got out of hand somehow, you could easily remove them.
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