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Coral Vue Hydros

Would this be fine?


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Is this ok? My tank becaues of the heat is hitting 85-86f degrees. Would this be ok as long as it dont go any higher? i have fans blowing in my display tank and fans blowing into my sump and its keeping the heat from going any higher then 85-86F. Is this ok or am i gona have to get a chiller?

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SeaFish, it really will depend on your livestock. Some inverts and fish will be ok at the higher temp, but there are others that will become stressed in the higher temps.


The rule of thumb temp range is really just that. most critters hobbiests want to keep live in that range. There are some that can go higher, and lower.


If your temp is that high, you really might want to consider a real chiller for your aquarium, or try and resolve the source problem of heat. Just to help keep most of your livestock as stress free as possible.

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cut back the photoperiod of the lights or set them higher off the tank if they're your cause. if the room it's in is too hot, buy a window mounted A/C unit, cheaper than a chiller

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I know I would do everything I could do to avoid geting a chiller.


BTW this means lifting lights having a fan blow across the water surface. Get one of those Ice probe things. I personally have not used them but some around here have ask them if it is worth the money. Remove pumps that generate a lot more heat and put in cooler ones. Theres more things than that but those are some good places to start. And IMO I would not keep my tanks in that temp range. HTH

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There's one guy here that runs his nano at 86 constant, no problems! As he says, it is CONSTANT and the inhab's are fine. It's when your temp starts to swing 80-86 during your photoperiod that your inhabs start to freak!


In Cozumel on the Planacar Reef (3rd largest in the world), at 35ft down it is ~83 degrees for 5 month out of the year, and a toasty ~87 on the surface!

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