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Major fragging job done w/ pics

Brooklyn Johnny

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Brooklyn Johnny

Last week saw major news in my 10 gallon nano. For a while now my prized Acropora cerealis and a wicked yellow encrusting montipora were slowly inching towards eachother in growth. I've got many things doing that but this had me concerned the most. I got a tiny frag of the monti thinking it was a plating variety. It colored up nicely and began to grow, and I quickly realized it was an encrusting monti so I knew in time I would have trouble. I love encrusting montis but they need to be kept as far away from anything as possible basically for two reasons... they usually win battles and they are a ***** to frag! That combined with the fact that it was nearing my cerealis I grew from a runt frag into a small colony. Anyway I'll tell the story with some pics... but you'll see that I needed to perform microsurgery... so I finally broke down and got a dremel... a good investment and better and more precise than pliers or a jigsaw for fragging...


To start here's a pic from afar a bit...

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Brooklyn Johnny

Here's a closeup... This was a change of just one day... from living cerealis tissue to killed off. I had to wait another day to get the dremel, and luckily there was no quick RTNing (redundant phrase I guess).

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Brooklyn Johnny

Here's the dremel I bought incidentally... I got the corded version... lasts longer and goes up to 35,000 rpm... which turned out to be great for tearing through montipora skeleton:D

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Brooklyn Johnny

After lots of microsurgery and strange looks from my wife I got to this... tough to see the actual lines through all the sliming...

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Brooklyn Johnny

Here is the damage... everything definately has plenty of healing to do but believe it or not sps are pretty resilient when given the right conditions... I'll post some more pics as things progress...


Incidentally Dremels rule... I was like Ralphie with his BB gun last night... and funny enough I almost knocked my eye out as I broke three of the stock blades they give you...


It's now been over a week and all has healed well. I tore into the cerealis pretty good and it's grown over those spots again. Thank God all went well.


I'll update this to show the progress...


Thanks all...



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Brooklyn Johnny
Originally posted by Crakeur

that's a $500 piece of rock you got there.


send frags


:D and are you selling your humping hamsters for $250? I hooked up some local guys here I am indebted to for originally hooking me. I kept one of the large pieces of the encrusting monti for myself to place in a little frag tank I am going to run off of a new possibly 65 gallon I'm going to get going.


I'll hook you with a piece Crak soon for say an even $100... let's call it the exotic green encrusting montipora tortuosa :D

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Brooklyn Johnny

I'll send you frags when you send me some of that @ss from your avatar... just kidding I'm happily married:D

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The one pic of you holding the piece prior to surgury....it made me nervous just looking at it....were you thinking "don't drop it -don't drop it"

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Originally posted by Brooklyn Johnny

I'll send you frags when you send me some of that @ss from your avatar... just kidding I'm happily married:D


avatar ass for frags? I like that

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Dumb question from a rookie who doesn't have any coral yet. How long can you keep them out of water while you are doing your surgery.



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Brooklyn Johnny

There are no dumb questions... actually there are but that's not one of them. The answer is the good old..."it depends". Fortunately most SPS can stay out of water for quite some time with no ill effects as long as they are kept moist. Bruce Carlson, ex-director of the Waikiki Aquarium just spoke at our club meeting and mentioned how they'd ship their frags "dry" wrapped in plastic and kept moist. How long is too long? Who knows... but it is much longer than it'd take to do any surgery. Many of these corals are left high and dry in the wild during low tide. Certain things like sponges should never be kept out of the water. Gorgonians are fine outside for a while. Certain softies and LPS I try and be speedy with (like my frogspawn) just because they really break down outside of the water. Usually you won't have to worry about this though as the corals will not be out for long...



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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Man that is more like a thousand dollar peice of rock aroundhere! Just the one big coral would go for 2-300 around here!

I lahv eet and I waaaaaaaan eeet!!! LOL!!

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  • 8 months later...
Brooklyn Johnny

Hey guys, I pasted this from another thread to give a heads up to anyone interested in frags...


It's been a while and over six months since I upgraded my tanks. I posted a little bit of information in one of my older threads regarding the upgrades and if you search "kitchen nano" you'll find it easily.


Alot of people always asked about frags, and starting tomorrow I will be posting frag packs up for sale for shipment early next week, including many corals seen in the nano. Korbin that includes the encrusting yellow montipora. Prices will be very reasonable (around $15 a frag, and a little more for small colinies), and I will throw in freebies with every pack. To make it worthwhile for shipping I will make up packages of around $100 plus shipping loaded with frags (and small colonies). No box or packing charge garbage, and I'll throw in heat packs if necessary for free. That way you'll get your money's worth on the shipping, yet still not spend so much you'll get wrenched from your girlfriend or wife .


The packs will mainly be sps, with some zoanthids and gorgonians and other things. I will be sorting these out and posting tomorrow with pictures of everything in the for sale section, with a heads up here...

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Brooklyn Johnny

I have two of five frag packages posted in the classified section for those interested...

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