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Cheap alternative to a chiller?


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I'll get right to the point, I see several people use a fan that blows across the top of the tank to keep the temperature down. I currently have a NC6 and am trying to get away with using my 150w MH Sunpod but the temps are getting higher than I'd like. If I were to hook together several computer fans and wire it up to a variable power source (~3.8v-~14.5v DC) and then put it on top of my tank, would it help alleviate the heat and allow me to lower the temperature by a few degrees?


I found some small sized fans that even at half power move quite a bit of air and could put together at least 3 of them in one row and have two of these rows over the top of my tank. Of course if this would be a viable option my next question is, would it be more efficient to have them blow cool air onto the water or have them suck air away from the water?


Thank you in advance and I would appreciate any help.

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Blowing air onto the water surface will bring down temperatures FAST, at the cost of insane amounts of evaporation.


You definitely want an ATO with a big reservoir if you do this.



Regards Hans

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another thing to consider if you go with fans. NOISE from the fans are foing to drive you nuts. Sure you could get some 90mm or even 120mm fans but think of how that would look on top of your tank. And an ATO would have to be a necessity with all the evap your going to have.

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Well the fans would only run for about 6 hours a day to match the lighting schedule and someone is always around that could do top offs for me so I don't think it would be too big of a problem. As for noise, I tested a bunch of fans I already have and noise is not going to be a problem, the Sunpod's fans are far louder. As for looks, I plan on making a nice frame/canopy type setup for the fans and painting it to match the tank so I can't imagine it would be too big of an eye sore. I can also situate it behind the Sunpod so it would barely be noticeable unless you're looking top-down.


Thank you for the info though, now the question is do I get the plain black fans or the fancy ones with blue spinny lights?


Edit: Oh and the size I found to have the best power/size/noise combination is the 70mm fan.

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Here's a very cheap alternative...and an ATO all in one ;)


Just gotta keep Barney on standby ;)








No, I couldn't refuse the temptation... :D

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Thank you for the info though, now the question is do I get the plain black fans or the fancy ones with blue spinny lights?


Get those with the tiny hologram that goes BLING BLING BLING :lol:

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Household fans are too big and unsightly, I can make a few computer fans look nice with a hand made and painted bracket, also we keep our air conditioner are 70, I'm just looking to take another few degrees of the tank from my light.

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Household fans are too big and unsightly, I can make a few computer fans look nice with a hand made and painted bracket, also we keep our air conditioner are 70, I'm just looking to take another few degrees of the tank from my light.

well you can keep the household fan at a distance, and maybe get an 8x8inch sized one in black and attach to a wall ot table and it would look nice. thats what i did. little computer fans dont really do the job. i had temperature problems when i used them.

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Buy a temp controller(you may as well spring for a full blown controller for the cost though) and a fan.


I've had this setup for years and it works great even in 110 degree summer weather.


It's cheaper then a chiller plus you get a full controller to do all the other things you'll need.

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Sounds good, I think I'll just try the computer fans on the variable controller for now as I would only have to buy a few $5 fans and some bass wood for the mount/bracket. I can always add on if I need to but before I get anything like a controller I want to see how well this set-up will work.

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Good idea.



On'ce you see how efficient air cooling is you won't be sorry with a ac jr or rk2 controller. The fans will come on when the tank hits a certain temp, and then off when it goes down to a certain temp.

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Sounds good, I think I'll just try the computer fans on the variable controller for now as I would only have to buy a few $5 fans and some bass wood for the mount/bracket. I can always add on if I need to but before I get anything like a controller I want to see how well this set-up will work.

let me know how it goes. update with picks when set up.

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i have about 15'' house/desk fan blowing on mine on the lowest setting and keeps the temp right around 79-80 during the day and 78-79 at night... but i wake up everymorning and end up putting about 1/2 gallon or more in it..evap is crazy with fan on compared to off.its a pain and i want to get an ato system but funds is my issue right now...im tryin to save right now other wise i would have chiller and ato...will def be on my "to get" list in future...right now i gotta go cheap route so i feel ya... :P

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i have about 15'' house/desk fan blowing on mine on the lowest setting and keeps the temp right around 79-80 during the day and 78-79 at night... but i wake up everymorning and end up putting about 1/2 gallon or more in it..evap is crazy with fan on compared to off.its a pain and i want to get an ato system but funds is my issue right now...im tryin to save right now other wise i would have chiller and ato...will def be on my "to get" list in future...right now i gotta go cheap route so i feel ya... :P

i agree, chillers are best option, but are pricey

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you dont really need the fans with the lights unless you are going to run the fans at night and use the lights for night lights. seriously invest in an ATO, it should only cost you $30 from Aqua hub.

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you dont really need the fans with the lights unless you are going to run the fans at night and use the lights for night lights. seriously invest in an ATO, it should only cost you $30 from Aqua hub.

i agree

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I'd skip the variable voltage controller and only have the fan turn on at a set temp. You can use a ranco unit to do this and it will cut down on your evaporation rate. Also, go with the largest possible fan you can - larger fans don't have to spin as fast as small fans to push the same amount of air. Lower RPMs almost always means less noise.

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Buy a temp controller(you may as well spring for a full blown controller for the cost though) and a fan.


I've had this setup for years and it works great even in 110 degree summer weather.


It's cheaper then a chiller plus you get a full controller to do all the other things you'll need.


Good points, and not only that, but unless you plan to be around the tank all day to monitor the temperature, then you better get a controller to run the fans, otherwise you'll end up with a massive temp swing and water temps BELOW 75F... I tried a single 120x120mm fan from http://www.aquatek-california.com (which worked GREAT) but left it on over my tank one hot day while at work, and came home 8 hours later to a tank that was almost 10 degrees cooler than the highest temp it had reached durning the day. Definitely not a good thing for your fish. Your other option is to put the fan on a timer... Have it switch on and off every hour or two... Not the best option, but do-able. The controller would be your best bet!

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