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How can you look into the tank at night?


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How can I spy on the weird stuff in my tank at night? I've been using a red (3 LED) light that is actually made for bicycling safety. I use it because I HEARD that they can't see red light or something. BUt it's annoying and the reflection of the red light off the glass is hard to see past.


IS there any good way to see into the tank at night (not night vission gogs!) Like mounting red LED's in the hood next to the main lights? Can they see blue lights? I know that if I shine a flashlight into the tank, all the things take off and hide.


What's the best way to see my creepy crawlies??



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jeeze refffers these days. always wanting to put there grubby noses on the glass of thier poor critters homes, and now they want to take what last little privacy they have left, the night.


yes leds work great in hoods. you could uses a few blue ones, just enough to give a dim glow and start leaving them on all night. that would get any nocturnal critters used to them and then you could seem them when ever you wantted.

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Vincerama, I know you from our converationns with "Andy 16." Believe me, wanting to put your "grubby nose" on the glass is ok. I also doubt that you have any "poor little creatures" in your tank. I have used a dimly lit flashlight to take a quick look at my creatures at nigh

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Vincerama, I know you from our converations with "Andy 16." Believe me, wanting to put your "grubby nose" on the glass is ok. I also doubt that you have any "poor little creatures" in your tank. I have used a dimly lit flashlight to take a quick look at my creatures at night from time to time. Nothing died. The tank did not crash. It was OK.

"offsprg01, glorified reef'tard" and "Dave, Dave, anybody seen Dave" seem to think calling fellow reefers "retards" when they make mistakes in the hobby is acceptable behavior.

As the proud father of a daughter with "Down Syndrome" I would appreciate your consideration of the following. My intention here is not to offend anyone...believe me.

Instead of "reef tard," how about "N tard" for our black members.

"S tard" for our hispanic members.

"G Tard" for our Italian members. And on and on it goes.

"Dave," I believe is "Dave Espy." When you screw up, good old Dave posts a picture with a sign refering to you as "an effen retard." This seems to be acceptable behavior in this forum.

What if the sign read "You stupid effen "Nig."

"You stupid effen "Spi"

offsprg01, glorified reef'tard's response to your ligit question is


"jeeze refffers these days."

In other words, Vincerama... "Jeez, you stupid effen retard, how can you ask such a stupid effen question...?"




Reef mic

Which one doesn't belong? And why?

And I ask the site administrator: Which one is acceptable, and why.........?

V, sorry to rain on your legit question but, geez, I'm tired of pompous, prejudiced responses. Kenny

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I tried taking a flashlight and covering it with red plastic but I could never see anything. If I creep up to the tank with my caving headlamp (3 blue LEDs) and suddenly turn it on, all kinds of crazy stuff would go swimming away but I don't want to traumatize the poor critters so I refrain from this activity.


{Start Drama}


Um, blissdon, do you normally walk around with a chip on your shoulder or is July "Start-Forum-Drama-For-No-Apparent-Reason Month" and nobody told me? As for Dave, in spite of calling reef-developmentally-differently-abled-people "reeftards", he never failed to answer the question asked by said reef-developmentally-differently-abled-people quite thoroughly and frequently with additional valuable information and suggestions, a fact which they frequently failed to notice because they were too busy being angry at Dave for failing to give them their "props", so to speak. Which you gotta figure was bound to happen, them being reeftards and all.


I used to get such a kick out of reading those threads. What a bummer to come back here after a few months and find Dave no longer a part of the forum. Yet, strangely, more a part of the forum than ever. It's like Ben Obi-wan Kenobi, or maybe Jesus--whichever one was in Star Wars.


Anyhow, if you haven't actually interacted with Dave then please have enough respect for a person you do not know to refrain from repeating other people's stories about him as if they were incontravertable fact. The thing to know about Dave is that a lot of people here really don't like him and a lot of people here really do, and in either case this will affect how the legend of Dave is told.


As for the word "reeftard", well, I frequently do graduate work in linguistics when I really should be taking care of my nano, and let me assure you that words are offensive to people for generally stupid reasons. But, even if we ignore that, combining "reef" and "retard" is not the same thing as combing "reef" with a racial epithet because it does not bring issues of history, racism, and oppression into the conversation. It may be offensive to you personally because of the situation with your daughter, but the easiest solution to that, IMHO, is to get that chip off your shoulder.


{End Drama}

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hey bro my apologizes if my sarcasim did not translate. if you looked i did offer my suggestion at the end of my sarcastic response. the first paragraph was solely a joking response. i'm sorry if some people didn't see the humor in my comment.


as to the golirfied reeftard part in my name. that's purely a joke. i'm sorry if i offended anyone. but i will continue to leave my name and my sig just as they are, and i will not change my personality to be politically correct. if you have a problem with some of my sarcastic responses then pleaase feel free to ignore my postes. (can be done form the user control panel.)

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Originally posted by MattGecko

Sony DV camcorder with night vision, they have no idea im watching :ninja:


plus, with the right lens (no longer provided with the original camera) you can see thru the fishie clothing using infrared during the day.

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Hey, I'm not offended. And I don't want to get into any PC discussions because this is a nano-reef board. I do try and respect the feelings of others though, and if I do anything inadvetantly offensive I'd want to hear about it. Blissdon reacted the way he did because his situation is such that offhand comments may cut him closer to the heart than it might others. So let's just carry on with the reef talk and be pals again, OK?

(Hmmm...there's my Canadian blood showing again!)


Anyway, I was wondering if red mounted LEDs might be nice to have in the hood, so they can go on when the main lights are out and you have that "battle stations, red alert" thing going and you can see your bugs without reflection off the glass (like with a flashlight).


I have used a flashlight to peek, but the animals (tube worms, rabs, etc) seem to react to the light (they shy away or are driven back into their tubes) so I must assume that they don't like it (or conceive that it is a threat )


Also, how does colour affect them? Some people put blue "moonlights" in the tank. Is that to see the stuff, or is it to simulate the moon for reasons other than observation?


I think if blue leds give the added benefit of simulating a moon, then maybe that would be a better solution for spying? Or will that scre then up if the moon is not on a proper "moon cycle"?





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Originally posted by Vincerama

Blissdon reacted the way he did because his situation is such that offhand comments may cut him closer to the heart than it might others. So let's just carry on with the reef talk and be pals again, OK?


Well said:flower:

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