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Coral Vue Hydros

Do cleaner shrimp not like me?


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I bought a cleaner shrimp Thurs. and it died in like 3 hours. I got another one Fri. and left for the lake sat. morning. That morning he was in the tank, and my mom said she say him sat. night. I came home last night and I dont see a thing. He is no where to be seen and the tank is only 7 gallons. Any ideas?

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Put some food in there. Frozen would be best, let it thaw and spread the juices around the tank, he will smell it and come looking for food.

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Have you tested the water? I'd venture to say the water is either a bit off or you need to acclimate the shrimp a little longer.



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I thought I read something about correct iodine levels being important to shrimp. SOmething about molting......, but anyways, you need iodine in a tank anyway, just that too much iodine is lethal to shrimp. Having a little bit of iodine won;t kill a shrimp!

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It probably does not like you. Cleaner shrimps do not like me either. I tried to get them to live in my tank and both times they never lasted longer than a day. My water params are good too. What the heck gives.

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Shrimp are very prone to shock. You might try a drip method of acclimating the shrimp to your water before adding him. I had that problem with my first cleaners when I was doing the float the bag, add a cup of water, take out a cup etc. Once I started just dripping water from the tank into the transport water, things went great, and I haven't lost a shrimp since.

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I have always done hour drips for cleaners and never had a problem. Besides, if you can't find the shrimp or his body in a 7 gallon tank then you have bigger problems than your drip procedure (maybe you have an unknown predator). What else is in the tank? Have you moved the rocks slowly to look for him?

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Hehe, same thing went through my head. Also, have you spoken to your pet store about their water parameters? I have dealt with some shops that keep some VERY extreme water parameters. In that case, those above posts about longer drips would be good advice.

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