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stocking a 150 gallon with 30 gal sump


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would this be ok (note the tank is not set up yet)

Will mainly be FOWLR may get some softies


1x Regal Tang(Small)

1x Naso Tang(Small

4x Tuka Anthias

1x Neon Goby

1x Green Clown Goby

1x Yellow Watchman Goby

1x Glider Sleeper Goby

1x Diadem Dottyback

1x Cleaner Wrasse

1x Humbug Damsel

4x Green Chromis

2x Common Clowns

1x Bicolour Dwarf Angel




1x Baby Blue Throat Trigger


Tomini Tang

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wha the dimensions on this 150?

ive seen some really wierd shaped 150's almost like a cube

i really dont see anything wrong with the stocking list, as theres only a couple that are really in the larger family

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So even the big ones will be ok for a while. When they get to big i'll either upgrade or sell on.


But i've chosen quite a few small fish as you can see

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i think what you have looks pretty good espocrespo, but the anthias along with the clowns, and i suppose most damsels in general are pigs, they would eat all day if your tank could handle all that left over food...LOL


i know mine do


i have


2x clowns

2x anthias

1x sailfin tang

1x engineer goby

1x pseudochromis


in my 75 gallon tank with a 20 tall sump (of course only about 12 gallons capacity as a sump)

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i have a 156 with the same dimensions. you can see my build thread going on a few posts below. I like the list, although I'd ditch the chromis...they murder each other off

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