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My 2 gal Pico Project - NOW 5.5 Gal. AIO!


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added an AC50 to replace my mini... my LFS has no Cheato or macro of any kind... so i will continue waiting..


My branchin monti is looking great, i'm hoping it will grow nicely to fill out the left side of the tank.


Mushrooms looking good, and inflating nicely! Zoas are opening nicely and new ones are really filling out the rock they came on.. i'm hoping they will spread up the rock i put them next to.


I've noticed the arms of a tiny brittle star poking out of my rocks, and the molting leftovers of what appears to be a pistol shrimp lurking somewhere in the tank!


I also switched around my background to blue... haha.. since it's not taped to the back i can alternate! not sure if i like black or blue better... hmmm

Some pics..


Full Tank



Branching Monti



Shroom island and my Hermits



Other Shrooms and my Zoas



Closer shots of Zoas/Shrooms






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  • 3 weeks later...

So, as the new thread title suggests, i've moved this 2g pico up to a 5.5 aio i made, inspired of course by Sandeep's...Sandeep's 5.5


I decided i liked the way things "pop" out with a blue background, so i painted the fuge blue as well, which matches very well with the background.


Here's a pic while filling, (excuse the sloppy sealant work, 1st timer)



a pic of the chambers






Pics of the finished product after a day for everything to get adjusted.



Fuge without cover.



One more....



Flow is really good in the tank, skimming is working well too with the slits i made in the acrylic, although a bit more would be great.. i'll have to ask Sandeep about this i think!



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So, as the new thread title suggests, i've moved this 2g pico up to a 5.5 aio i made, inspired of course by Sandeep's...Sandeep's 5.5


I decided i liked the way things "pop" out with a blue background, so i painted the fuge blue as well, which matches very well with the background.


Here's a pic while filling, (excuse the sloppy sealant work, 1st timer)



a pic of the chambers






Pics of the finished product after a day for everything to get adjusted.



Fuge without cover.



One more....



Flow is really good in the tank, skimming is working well too with the slits i made in the acrylic, although a bit more would be great.. i'll have to ask Sandeep about this i think!



Very nice!

-how big is the sump/fuge area?-

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A beauty, love your scaping, everything looks proportional and you have tons of rock surface to place corals on.


I like the bright blue partition wall too. What kind of paint do you use that is non-toxic for tanks?


I'm going to link your thread to mine so folks have yet another great variation to reference.

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IceTurf: Thanks! the fuge is 4inches by 8inches, and is split in half, (one side for equipment the other for filter media and such)

Sandeep: I appreciate that a lot! I find it extremely hard for me to stop myself from re-arranging things... always trying to perfect it! (but i think i'm happy now!) I used Krylon Fusion as most have reccomended, they had an "sea blue" colour which i thought would be appropriate!


On other notes...

The Pistol shrimp that hides somewhere in my tank, (the noisy fellow i've complained about in other threads).. will remain in my tank... NOT only because i can't find him for the life of me... but he's not clicking constantly anymore.. just once in awhile... though i wish i could see him!


I'm having a discrepency with my thermometers... i have the CoraLife digital one with a probe that goes into the tank.. that one seems to read 78 ish.... My Cheapy (alcohol based sunction cup glass) thermometer reads like 82.... who should i believe???

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Nice job!


(IME, disco shrooms don't appreciate too much current, tho...)


Whenever I have a thermometer discrepancy, I try to look at several (which I have, having amassed them over the years...). I suggest you p/u yet another inexpensive one, and hope to get 2 out 3 readings that agree. :D



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I've had major thermometer headaches. Get one of those laboratory grade 12" mercury thermometers like they had back in high school chemistry class and use it to calibrate your digital thermometers. All the digitals were way off, some by as much as 10 degrees! You can get them from scientific and labratory supply stores. Mine goes from 0F to 200F.

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