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Cultivated Reef

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any picture that's 100x100 pixels or less will work. If you find a picture you like that's too big, take it into MS Paint, chop some extra off, and go to Image...Stretch/Skew, shrink it down. Now go to Image...Attributes and it will show you how many pixels it is. Once it's small enough, go to your "user cp" near the top of this message board. Click on "Edit Options," then go down to "Avatar." Here you can upload the picture you just shrunk and saved in MS Paint. GL!



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sorry dude but that was way to easy. anyway alot of people either make them or steal them form so one else avatar on another site or get them from somebodys web page ect. if you'd like i can make one for you so long as it be simple. i don't want to spend alot of time on something. i'm lazy. (graphics desiger by trade)

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how about a big bare sandy windy swept tank with maybey a cactus off to one side? and nemo trying to host it! :D


sorry damdic i just saw you were from elpaso and i couldn't resist.

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