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Bonsai's BioCube [14g] Journal


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Hi Everyone!


I've always admired Salt Water Tanks, but for the longest time, didn't realize that they could come in a small package. During a trip to the local movie theatre about a years ago, I saw the smallest SWT that I'd ever seen ... a BioCube. Sitting on the Ticket Counter. With Clownfish! This really sparked my interest, but I wasn't really hooked until a couple months ago when I visited my LFS and saw a BioCube 14g on display.


I started talking to the staff and finally decided to make the jump - but I wanted to save a few bucks so I bought a BioCube on eBay. It was "brand new, never opened" ... but as you may have guessed, arrived completely shattered (note to sellers, if you sell aquariums on eBay, please pack them better - don't send them in their original packaging with no other padding). Needless to say, I'm still in a PayPal dispute over that item, which has been returned to the seller ... but in the meantime, I purchased another 14G from another eBay Seller, this one came through perfect. Well packed and sealed.


I set the tank up with 14Lb of cured Live Rock from my LFS, and I also bought 1Lb of Live Sand to put on top of the other sand in the tank. On Jan 16th, the tank was established with those items and some pre-mixed Salt Water from the store.


And yes, I know it looks like a "pile of rocks" ... but there are some nice little caves and such in the center of the structure. I may rearrange once I start looking at placing corals, but for now, I kind of enjoy it :)


So here is how things have progressed so far:


Jan 16th - Tank Established


Jan 19th - Diatom Bloom on Sand Surface


Jan 21st - More Brown Algea Starts to Grow on the Rock


Jan 22nd - Had LFS Test Water, came back:


Ammonia - 0

Nitrite - 0

Nitrate - 5

KH - 10

Calcium - 450

Salinity - 1.025

Phos. - 0.1


Hrm.. Did I have a very short cycle? Is it already over? (not likely, I know)


Jan 22nd - Prematurely purchases a small 6 snail clean up crew:

2 - Trochus

2 - Turbo

2 - Nassarius


Jan 29th - Had LFS test water again, same exact parameters.


Feb 1st - Tested Water Again, still looking perfect.


March 3rd - One Cooling Fan Died - but was replaced via mail by Oceanic.


May 19th - Other Cooling Fan Died - but was replaced via mail by Oceanic.


June 18th - One Light Ballast Died - but was replaced via mail by Oceanic.


Soooooooooo, I'm about 2.5 weeks into the tank, I've had a diatom bloom, I have hitchhikers (a couple small Feather Dusters and a couple of Brittle Starfish), but I haven't seen a measurable cycle.


Could it be because I used Cured Live Rock and Live Sand that I had a very short cycle before I had the water tested for the first time?


Needless to say, I won't be adding fish or corals for at least a couple more weeks ... and I plan on monitoring the pH, ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate every 3 days until I do so.




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I like it! I love the sand you have, I wish mine was a little bit finer though. The Aquascape looks good too, Im no expert though, but it looks like you may have difficulty placing corals without many flat spaces though.

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Did you modify your filter or your nano cube?


I did. I pulled out the BioBalls from Chamber 2, and filled Chamber 2 almost full ... so now all three chamers run near-full.


In Chamber 1, I took the stock filter and stripped it down to the plastic. In another thread a few other BioCube owners were talking about buying filter material in a sheet for $5.99 from PetSmart - so I did that, cut it to size, and now my replacement filters are only $0.50 :)


In Other News


I'm still getting brown algea covering the sand daily ... the snails clean it pretty well, but it keeps coming back ... and the top of my rocks are turning a dark green ... :/



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Quick bump ... do the brown algae blooms normally occur only during the tanks cycling process ... or do they occur afterward as well? In the previous post, there are a few pics of the tank as it currently stands. Lots of green algae on top of the rocks, and lots of brown algae on the sand ...

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm about 6 1/2 weeks into my 14G BioCube - current inhabitants:


- 2 Ocellaris Clownfish

- 1 Skunk Cleaner Shrimp

- 2 Turbo Snails

- 2 Nassarius Snails

- 2 Trochus Snails


- Frag of Radioactive Dragon Eye Zoas




... I have a Frag Pack arriving from Alti's Reef on Tuesday. I'll post a picture when they come in. Here is the current, "before" picture (glass needs to be cleaned).



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Do you still have the green algae on the top of your rocks? Did it get better/worse with time?


The rocks have all kinds of color now, actually. There is the nice purple coraline that is growing ... slowly, then there is some Teal color, a some bright green at the top, and some others.

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I received my frag pack from Alti's Reef today. I ordered the "Reef Tank Starter Package"


Everything looks good so far, The Zoas are starting to open nicely. Alti's is great, the Package only comes with 6 frags, but they sent me 8!


Here are some pictures. The GSP is sloowwwly opening. The Kenya Tree and Anthellia are in rough shape though. Hopefully they'll pick themselves up over the next day or so.







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I found a ball of Bubble Algae ... how do I get rid of that safely?


Emerald crabs have done wonders for my bubble algae, might help yours too. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

May 2008 Update


Front Tank Shot



Ricordeas (Orange, Blue, Purple/Green)



Candy Cane & Hammer Coral



My first Coral - still growing slowly. Radioactive Dragon Eye Zoanthids



More Zoanthids ...



Anthelia & More Zoanthids


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I'm on for the ride - Bonsai and I just discovered that not only do we share a hobby, we share a workplace! Do I get free frags now? ;)

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I'm on for the ride - Bonsai and I just discovered that not only do we share a hobby, we share a workplace! Do I get free frags now? ;)


I certainly have some Anthelia you can take. When I grabbed my largest frag and send it to PhishyAly, i noticed there are about 4-6 stalks that have attached to the glass in the same area of the tank. If you want 'em, they're yours!

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  • 2 weeks later...


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