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Innovative Marine Aquariums

crab fishing!


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i just went crabfishing! caught me a strange looking beastie i did. used a peice of string and a peice of shrimp when the crab latched on to the shrimp i jerked his punk @$$ out of the tank. (note to self next time drop him in new tank not on floor. they be fast little buggers.


that makes two of these mystery crabs from my tank. i q/t this one instead of feeding him to my puffers. i think i'm goign to have him id'd at lfs next week some time.

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my damn little sister felt sorry for the little bugger in his little 1 gal tank! so she put him back in my nano!


damn it! damn it! damn it! X) X) X) X) X)


here we go agian......

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did anyone else see what i just saw? wait you can't that's right. well just tell me if this is possible. my emerald crab and watchman goby have paired up. (yes i know strage as it seems, but they have) and well i think it was becuase of the myster crab. the emerald and the watchman are tag teaming his punk @$$.


well here's what they seems to be doing. the watchman plays the part of bait (hey what else are they good for anyway) and lures the myster crab to one of the holes the emerald and the watchman share. (seems to be 3 diffrent ones (holes) right now) and then the emerald crab jumps out and tries to kick the myster crab's @$$. thus sending the mystery crab scurrying across the tank to start the whole process over agian.


floggin wierd dude, just plain wierd.


??? ??? ??? ??? ???

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