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Innovative Marine Aquariums

sea slugs and cucumbers....


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We were eondering if anyone out there is keeping slugs (lettucce or any other kind) or cucumbers successfully and how long have you had them? It seems that everywhere we go, no matter how fancy the LFS they dont know what to feed them or anything really and seem to be keeping them until they get bought or starve to death. (so terrible i hate pet stores of any kind) We would REALLY like to have some in the future when our tank is ready but only if we know we can care for them. can they be supplemented with flaked algae?


joel + james

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the only slugs I would consider would be sea hares (sea bunnies) or lettuce nudis (or berghia if you have an aiptasia problem) and even then, stock with caution.


I've kept both successfully but the lettuce nudis are a bit more fragile than the sea hares and they tend to release themselves from a rock and drift around until they find a new place to graze. This can bring them right into a powerhead which means death.


Some sea hares can get large. I had one that was about the size of my hand in my old 60 gal. They eat amazing amounts of algae and there large size means they are less likely to get pulled into the powerheads.


The downside to the hares is that they can "ink" the water if stressed. I've never seen it happen so I don't know how bad it is.


Also, when slugs die they melt and the melting is very toxic. Very little you can do about it until it's too late.


I love lettuce nudis and, if needed, I might add one to my tank, unless I can get ipsf to ship bunnies to NYC.

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Word to everything Crakeur said. On the cucumber side there are many toxic ones a a few non-toxic ones. I am a fan of the tigertail cukes (nontoxic) and the nontoxice black sea cucumbers. I've had 4 tiger tails for over 3 years now and they are doing great.



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people love their cukes (cam, you a lady?) but I say go without em unless you are picking them up locally as they have always died in shipping.

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Originally posted by Crakeur

(cam, you a lady?)



You asking cuz of the avatar? Last time I checked I still have a pair of globesB)....

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thanx for the info. so what are you feeding the nudis anything in addition or do they just graze and its enough for them? how well do they get along with other inverets, like the shrimp/crabs etc.? it seems we are going to wait a awhile until we get any cukes or nudis, but that is the whole reason we want to have a reef, we are more interesred in the inverts than the fish. thanx again!




joel + james

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If your in a good fish store they will only carry the "safe" cukes. You do not have to feed them, they will sift the sand when hungry.

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