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Pod Your Reef

Total Chaos


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So i get the brainy idea to sell my larger tank and move to a smaller one, Due to space and maintance, So i post the tank and right away get tons of inquires.. everyone is interested and looking to pick it up now..


So here i am trying to get everything transfered over as fast and safe as possible..


So what im doing is im replumbing the new tank, taking out the sand from the old tank and moved it to the new tank, and got the rock sitting there waiting for the water to clearup so i can put it in.. and got my fish in a Seprate tank ( 25g) running a aquaclear 500 just for some filtration ( now i do have 20Gs of fresh mixed saltwater waiting, Im going to be doing small like 2 gallon water changes every day.. Just to prevent any sort of a cycle in that little tank.



So im posting a pick of it..


and wonder, once the sand settles.. and i move the rock in .. im going to do a major water change ( around 50%) to should i be good at that point to move my fish back in?


What are your thought?

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Lordy. That looks like my apartment when I moved my 29 gallon. Amazing how much of a mess such a small tank can generate, isn't it?


I'd still monitor for a cycle once you get everything moved over. There are going to be some critters that get crushed or whatever in your sandbed. Have some extra water handy after you put the fish in so you can do some emergency water changes if you have to.

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try 12 tanks of various sizes. :P 5.5 gal up to 80 gal! fresh to salt to brackish!


sometimes i wonder about myself..... i live in the dorms at a college so i move alot. (every 3 or 4 months) so's i's be a master of the fine artistry of moving glass boxes full of water. the only hard part is figuring out which fish go where, and trying not to lose any! :D

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Crap ... it's posts like this that make me rethink moving my 12 to a 20. Especially with the wife around. She is gonna kick my a**.



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nah bro it'snto realy that hard. just move all of you fish and lr to buckets of tanks waters then move your sand to the new tanks. the restack you lr and pour the tanks water back in the 20. add you fish then top off the tank with new water.


easy like greasy chicken. :D

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