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Questions about larger tanks.....


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So I have been running my 12g NC as the only reef tank I have ever done and I have decided to start looking into a larger tank for more room visual stimulation. The first thing I looked at was the poplular 40g breeder tank since I really like low, deep (front to back) tanks. Then I started thinking maybe I would step up to a 75g and open up my livestock choices a bit as well as have a little more stable environment. Well I was at the LFS today and saw a 125g tank and stand that I really liked........holy crap am I really looking at another 100g+ tank? (My 120g oscar tank is next to me in the living room)


I really like the size and shape of the 125g although I am still trying to decide how much overtime I would have to put in to fill the bastage with LR. A few questions arise when I started to look into larger tanks like this.


The first thing that popped into my head is how difficult is it to drill the tank for overflow plumbing? I would be scared to death to do it so I would probably have one of the LFS guys do it considering they could guarantee it against breakage.


Other questions and discussion to follow.......




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Should be pretty easy for them to drill it, especially if its an AGA or Perfecto (thinner glass then Oceanic). If you really like the size of the tank go for it, but I've done the drilled thing before (58 Oceanic) and its annoying, and I highly suggest RR tanks. You may also want to consider the 125 is a skinny tank and it might be harder to aquascape.

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Buy the biggest tank you can fit and afford.


I have tons of room for a huge tank but I can't afford to pay attention. I am trying to talk my wife into ditching a few of the tanks we have for a large reef tank.


I like the 125g because it is longer and shorter (top to bottom) than my 120g. I don't think it would be that difficult to aquascape, much easier than a 120g would be. I just like the length and shallow depth of it for light penetration and fish swimming room.


The tank was at PetSmart, I cannot recall what type of tank it is but I believe it is a Marineland tank, the same as my 120g oscar tank. I got a sweet deal on it at the same PetSmart because one of the department managers was a butthole to me. I asked a worker if they could order another 120g since they sold the one I wanted and he went to ask the department manager. I don't know if she thought I couldn't hear her but she said, "I ain't going to mess with that because people never come and get them". I was POed and left immediately then I called their corporate office on her a$$. The next day I got a call from the store manager saying he would like to order the tank for me and give me 20% off the tank and stand. I was still pissed but bought it anyways.


Perhaps I will hold my breath until the next sale.


Thanks guys.

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BIG tanks are awesome, My 95 has a nice fat rectangular shape to it. But If I could do it again I would buy a 125 for the length.

Most of the new AGA's are RR. The 210 at my LFS is

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Get a RR tank. Why pay to have it drilled and have someone put in overflow boxes, when you can get a reef ready tank and be done with it?


As far as size, I love my bigger tank, BUT I definitely think it's more of a hassle than my previous smaller (<40g) tanks. Bigger water changes, bigger/more expensive equipment, more lr, etc. I know everyone says bigger tanks are more stable, but I've had more problems with my 120 than any of my old tanks. If you're more into fish than corals, go with a longer tank. If you're more into corals, then go with a deeper tank like the 120.

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