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2.5 stocking YOU CHOOSE!!


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Hey guys-


I trust you right? I mean c'mon. Anywho this will be my second nano and I am tired of deciding. I want YOU to decide for me. First things first- we ar talking cleaning crew. Let's here what you guys want.


Here's an update of the tank




P.S. No Red Lobsters or stupid comments about tangs please...who am I kidding- fire away!

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I would keep it simple with 2 small astreas, 2 nassarius, and maybe a small blue leg hermit. I basically have that in my 5.5 and they did good for awhile but I am gonna add a couple more nassarius and maybe another astrea.

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I dunno. My 3 gallon has been running with no snails or hermits for over a month and I haven't needed to scrape any algae yet. I do have a nice piece of sargassum growing in there.


I say: maybe 1 small snail, a piece of sargassum(cause they dont take over) and corals.

no food in = no algae

z'alright? ....z'alright.

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I dont know guys- i would like to ay 4 snails is a little much- but then again 1 snail is too little! But YOU guys are choosing so... we will see. I have alittle "foreshadowing" algae starting t sprout up it's evil head...or..sprout..er...yeah.


Let's hear some more!


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My nassarius snails dont do much but dig around and keep my sand clean thats why I say 2 of those. Maybe 2 astreas is a bit and I do like the idea of the macroalgae. I have some in my 5.5 but not enough to keep away algae.

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I dont know- I have to keep that valueable space for corals- were would I put the macro? I have a penguin mini running- but no light over it- and NO I am not putting a light over it. (3 DIY projects is quite enough for me)



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Well ofcours luke, You are going to want somthing that can care for all that hair algae.. So ill make you a great deal on my SeaHare.. by the time he finishes cleaning up my tank.. oh he should be no more than about 4 inches.. , Hell keep her nice and clean for you !


Why have 4 snails.. when you can have one Slug!




But on a more normal level here.. I would go with 2 snails and a Surpent star..


Small star!

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2 red tip hermits and 3 nass snails in my tank... havent had em long, but theyve eaten lots of ded crap.


one of the stupid nass snails keeps climbing into my AC200 hob, and the other ones ride on the hermit crabs.

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Carefull with the Red Hermits ( scarlets) they tend to go homicidle and try killing other snails and crabs for fun..


i have seen this personally!

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oh i know about those psychos...

I believe the red tip I own is of a different breed.

the ones you speak of aren't even handed right?

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Well he is a retired(maybe dead- nobody knows) BlackFlag Rodie- so I wouldnt doubt it is in Rollin's book. Good catch brohey!



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2 astreas 3 nassarius. a clown goby. and for recomended corals definatly my fav candy cane,hary shrooms,green stripe,gsp on the back wall,xenia on the sides,some rics,a small open brain (another personal fav),yellow polyps, button polyps, zoos and thats a few recomendations . youve asked for em so i gave em to ya :) good luck ,Chris

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I would say no go on the xenia. It would probably overtake a 2.5 fairly quickly. Currently I am running one blue leg hermit in my 2.5. He seems to be doing the job except on the glass of course. I have been cuting out some caulpra(i think it was caulpera, but that was like 8 times his size.) packing four plus snails in a 2.5 I think would be over kill, especially if you want a fish.

just my opinion


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O, and to grow the macros just get an aquaclear 150 (or whatever your choice for size is.) then on of those azoo palm lights to the side of it.


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Yeah well I tested the params again today and nitrates still at 0!! So I guess I am just killing time here til the stupid cycle gets done with. I think I will end up with 2 snails(still deciding on species) and a hermit for cleaning crew. If I can find a clown goby at my lfs I might get him- but thats like the only fish that I feel would be humane enough to put in there. That or a neon goby-tank raised. I think if I can find a tiny frag of xenia I will get it, the only thing at the store is a big hunk that would take up the whole tank in about 2 minutes. But then again I dont mind fragging it and making back some money I've been spending on this hobby!



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Did you test the tank the first few days? It is very possible that your cycle is already done. I did not see how long ago the LR went in. I plan on keeping a Pseudochromis fridmani in my 2.5 when I get some caulpera in my aquaclear 150. For some reason my tank is still reading a little nitrates even though the only bioload is a blue leg hermit and 3 big rics.


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Yeah- the rock and tank was started on 6/25/03. and the ammonia like the first day was .03 so... It may very well be cycled. There are those baby snails that have no shell running around, I think i have seen like three. So if they can live in there I think somehting else could also. Here's a drawing of the snaily's.



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I vote for a margarita snail. Mine are much more effective than my astrea in the 6 gallon. Ceriths are pretty good too. I've got two of those and two margaritas in the 7.5. They do a great job.


I've got those tiny little things you drew in my 7.5. They're like less than a cm. in length and I find them only on the glass. Guess I should research them and see if they really are flatworms.

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I dont think they are flartworms- they move too much. and flatworms(i've had a bad experience with them) are like green on one side and red on the other like little leaves- and not to mention come in the 100's. not like one or two. We will see- I got two astraea snails for free(i know peeps) so I think it will see.



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From that crude drawing (no offense) it could very well be a copepod. Does it look like the upper left hand guy?click here Well good luck with the tank I am heading out of town till saturday tommorow.


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Nah- first of all it is way too big- and way to like slug-like to be a coepod- i have seen coepods. I havent seen it do any damage so I am just gonna let it have fun before something eats it.



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