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Innovative Marine Aquariums

haven't checked H20 params in a while, and What the #*@!!


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Okay, I have not checked my params in a while. Just the occasional pH and nitrate test. Tonight I decided I would go through the full regiment for the first time in a few months. Heres what I got: sg=1.245(okay, good)..pH=8.1(a little low, but OK)

Ammonia=0(good)..Nitrites=0(good)..Nitrates=0 :woot: :woot:

kH=8 degrees(a little low, but good)..temp=79.5(good)

Ca=680:blink: that can't be right. I test the calcium again and

Ca=680??? . is this even possible to keep in solution? Or should I just throw away my calcium test kit and go buy another one for a ridiculous amount of money. Its a hagen kit by the way, three reagents and color change from pink to purple. Are hagen kits for Ca unreliable? Any advice or words of wisdom to impart??? Or does it mean I should just buy more stonys!!

:teehee: :D


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